Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You are virtually on your own in defending them , so you had better be convinced of the case before you agree to them .
2 She had better be careful of the road .
3 In the UK we traditionally give grain based feeds but remember that these would not naturally be present in the feral horses ' diet .
4 As and when this happens the proportion of pupils obtaining graded results will naturally be greater in the GCSE than in the existing examinations .
5 ‘ She would naturally be concerned for the safe-keeping of her sons . ’
6 Opposition Members will obviously be disappointed at the Minister 's reply which is characterised by his usual laid-back approach to the matter .
7 The name of any publication which will not obviously be interested in the material should be omitted from the list for this particular mailing .
8 Some critics , arguing from the cases of Blake and Keats , have assumed that a ‘ Romantic ’ poet would obviously be hostile to the demands of a university dominated by the influence of Newton .
9 However , within the single language LISP , access could , with appropriate effort , be made to the translation of GO-SHOPPING(x) as a sequence beginning WALK(x) , but the subsequent access from WALK(x) to the yet lower-level sequence beginning LIFT-RIGHT-LEG(x) is far more dubious , whatever the effort required , since that would normally have been compiled and so be inaccessible to the higher level in question , even though , as we saw , one can , in the human case , impose a new translation of WALK , in the place of the existing one .
10 So be careful about the subjects you give .
11 The advantage of a body clock is that it can prepare an animal or plant and enable it to predict a future environmental condition and so be ready for the event when it takes place .
12 So be aware of the possibility of anybody cutting across the lane that you 're already in .
13 So be patient with the driver of that slow little tractor if you meet him again , perhaps he might be the Good Samaritan who stops to help you some day .
14 That can , of course , literally be satisfied by the Unit General Manager ( UGM ) preparing a piece of paper which is simply a statement of intent .
15 In other cases some centres may only be involved in the development or delivery of part of a course .
16 This may not only be encouraging for the parents , but it may also provide the teacher or therapist with valuable information about the child 's functioning which would not otherwise be available .
17 Such financial assistance should only be necessary in the most exceptional circumstances .
18 These ‘ pull ’ factors operated with particular force in the post-Second World War period as many of the European countries began to reconstruct and expand their economies at a rapid rate and found themselves suffering acute labour shortages which could only be relieved by the employment of foreign workers .
19 It need only be relevant to the wellbeing of the employer 's business .
20 For the combination of studying alongside those with other career intentions and of blending literary and scientific studies can only be beneficial to the future teacher .
21 He stresses that formal planning can only be one of the many building blocks which determine corporate strategy .
22 This approach to care can only be successful with the help of a wide range of support services .
23 The subtleties of shape that ensure that both halves of the tongs fit together and work , may only be apparent to the smith .
24 Nothing less than a script will do because so many of the key visual elements will only be apparent through the dialogue .
25 It improves the standards and can only be good for the game , ’ he says .
26 We played some good cricket and managed to win the competition with a young and inexperienced team , which can only be good for the country . ’
27 Even that buttock-licker Pybus seems worried that Pahdra Singh has replaced them with his shifty brothers but , as I told Crowe , having a property developer , an estate agent and a supermarket magnate on the board can only be good for the club .
28 That can only be good for the efficiency of the debt advice industry and thus for debtors as a whole . ’
29 But at least a lot of players have sampled international competition at their own level and that can only be good for the game .
30 This can only be good for the G M B and it would hopefully bring on board some , if not all of the doubting Thomases , that have said in the past that we do nothing for them .
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