Example sentences of "[adv] [that] he [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ’ John made it clear enough that he was thinking of the Roman curia : ‘ In our everyday ministry we often have to listen , greatly to our sorrow , to those … who do not have much discretion or balance ’ .
2 Suddenly , it was not enough that he was touching her face .
3 What I assume was meant was that his birth had somehow been retarded , so that he was born a day later .
4 His tongue flicked out to caress her nipple , which was throbbing painfully , and with one anguished movement she pressed his mouth further down so that he was sucking on the rosy tip .
5 His mind had become detached from his body so that he was watching himself .
6 He had levered himself up so that he was leaning on the boot of the sports car Scamp had tried to demolish with his shotgun .
7 Jimmy adjusted the gun so that he was holding it with both hands .
8 This morning the sky was blue with powder-puff clouds and the sea sparkled so that he was dazzled when he looked at it .
9 In the semi-final , in which I ran second , Cameron Sharp was in the lane adjacent to Chidi , who has a side-to-side action with his running which many felt made Cameron run along one of the lines so that he was disqualified .
10 Duvall was jerked away from Jimmy , spinning on his heels so that he was facing the office door again .
11 Then he swung round so that he was facing her .
12 Lamarr Dean stood with his side against the bar so that he was facing the first Apache .
13 Priestley supported them and made it well known , so much so that he was asked not to attend the dinner — just in case .
14 Shabby , he 'd thought , and plain , so that he was taken aback by the neatly-rounded woman who answered his knock , a most presentable person in a dark , well-cut woollen dress with what looked like a gold brooch at the neck , her smooth oval face miraculously ironed of the creases he remembered , her mouth smiling the serene welcome of a woman who has no reason to expect trouble from a knock at her door , a woman who eats well and sleeps well and can settle all her bills .
15 By December that year , James II had lost almost all his support so that he was forced to flee the country when William of Orange landed with his forces at Torbay .
16 He grabbed Rohmer by the arm and swung him around so that he was forced to look him in the face .
17 The crimson rope-lights still held him , so that he was forced to go on down the slope until they stood before the terrible dwelling place of the necromancer .
18 The colour drained from his face and he would certainly have fallen , had not two crimson rope-lights shot out and pinioned his arms to the wall , so that he was forced to stand , vertically , half hanging by his hands , half supported by his mutilated legs .
19 All right then — ’ he edged closer so that he was whispering rather than shouting over the juke-box ‘ — here 's the nastiest rumour I 've ever heard about Steenie — really nasty rumour .
20 He swung his legs around so that he was perched on the edge of the bunk .
21 Burun was in one of them , sitting with his back to the side pillar , his booted feet stretched out along the sill so that he was perched above a sheer drop to the marble-floored hallway below .
22 He fought his own despairs and his own bitternesses , and he had believed that he had built up an inner tranquillity and a strength , so that he was armoured against the lure of any woman .
23 He engineered it so that he was standing head and shoulders above his rivals when they filed past to shake his hand and offer their condolences .
24 As he spoke , he changed his position so that he was standing on a ledge with his shoulders and forearms resting on a parapet .
25 He started up the stairs , but Burun sidestepped so that he was standing in the way .
26 A spare car was in Chamonix and Emerson was the one who went to fetch it , so that he was exhausted by the time free practice began on Thursday afternoon .
27 The Gaijin who were with Sipotai had melted away from his side so that he was left alone in the middle of an escort of Merkuts .
28 She picked up her book and began reading , making a show of turning the pages so that he was left in no doubt that his presence next to her was the last thing she needed .
29 Len moved his eyes so that he was staring at Jimmy .
30 The fact that Lewis did is not a sign that he was illogical , merely that he was caught up in a spiritual drama which involved more than ‘ paper logic ’ .
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