Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] my first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And so ended my first meeting with young Higgins .
2 Then I phoned everybody and said , ‘ Well , I just finished my first movie . ’ ’
3 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
4 This tour of duty also included my first spell in command when Phil took his three weeks ' leave .
5 I also saw my first fulmar , sweeping the cliffs on stiff wings , endlessly gliding with miraculous ease ; hen harrier haunted the moorlands ; golden plover and curlew cried plaintively from banks of peat ; statuesque heron stared balefully into shallow pools ; widow-black cormorant dried their dark wings on seaweed-covered rocks .
6 So here ended my first tour and I could not claim that I ever actually had a clear view of any German target , save that which we did locate with the aid of Jimmy Marks ' experiment northeast of Rotterdam in mid-June 1940 .
7 I recently attended my first match at elland road ( V blackburn ) and was very impressed by the stadium and the atmosphere .
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