Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Were hoping to get a mini bus , I do n't think we ought take a bus because we were very badly treated when we did that , we do n't to allow ourselves open to that again , but I have written to say were hoping to get enough people to take a mini bus .
2 Will and I ran like the wind and only stopped when we reached the river .
3 In agricultural history it is evident that a macro-economic overview is necessarily limited because we have no usable index of agricultural rent over any considerable period .
4 It will , sadly , be too late for many young people , whose lives have already been ruined ; but it could set the agenda for future generations who might even get society better organised than we did .
5 This apparent contradiction is only resolved when we realize that man in his ( sic ) present state is sub-human — ie less than God intended and created .
6 If it had all succeeded and we 'd taken him back … ?
7 One large reason is that it is now often enough claimed that we take effects to be events that might not have occurred , given all things exactly as they were beforehand .
8 We have all wished that we 'd had the perfect retort at some time , but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later .
9 So it 's not quite as simple to say that regional planning , sub-regional planning requires er a discount a strong discount erm to the south west of York , I think the issue is rightly addressed and we need to address it , but I must say the conversation so far , and and the contributions , really need to be weighted in one direction .
10 ‘ There was a feeling of disappointment that we were held to a draw in Bruges and the atmosphere in the dressing room at the Olympiastadion only lifted after we heard that Marseille had suffered the same result against CSKA , ’ said McCall .
11 Mr Gibbon has rightly said that we do n't really know what is asked .
12 Ripe Oregon strawberries are especially selected as we feel it best compliments the rich cream flavour of Häagen-Dazs .
13 It is a word which is mostly only used when we discuss Hitler 's treatment of the Jews or when we consider Cambodia .
14 Elderly people can be greatly helped if we listen to what they want to say , and receive their information as important .
15 CLA members and staff all contributed and we made around 23 policy recommendations on every aspect of access .
16 It is difficult to capture accurately the complex patterns of motivation that produce an individual 's actions but I think the position of Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and others can be better understood if we distinguish motivational background and front stage .
17 Iago 's superiority over the six people he directly deceives ( and behind them , of course , the whole of society ) is so marked that we risk endorsing his contempt for whichever ‘ snipe ’ , ‘ knave ’ , or ‘ ass ’ he happens to be manipulating .
18 As with the P.A.F. your support has been much appreciated and we hope that by keeping the fees the same you will do the same next year .
19 As with the P.A.F. your support has been much appreciated and we hope that by keeping the fees the same you will do the same next year .
20 Needless to say , input from readers much appreciated as we strive to make the listing even more authoritative for a future issue .
21 But this has only happened since we got the national agreement .
22 But soon the consciousness of security became so ingrained that we lost all temptation to enquire about the nature of work with which we were not immediately concerned .
23 Very little was found of either body , but Winnie was so loved that we arranged a remembrance service for her the following Sunday .
24 Since then , urea glues have been much improved and we have two new synthetics in particular , resorcinol formaldehyde and epoxy resins which , though they are rather expensive , have nearly all the technical virtues , bearing in mind however that epoxy resins frequently cause dermatitis .
25 I do n't think we have changed over the years in our teaching but student choice has greatly changed and we have found demand for our more theoretical courses has fallen away .
26 Hindus have long since seen that we have to transcend separateness .
27 There was a disco where beer was on sale but thoughts of dancing the night away evaporated when we found other people were using it for sleeping .
28 Divisions are always artificial and often misleading , but the material can be more easily considered if we make a distinction between nobility and townsmen .
29 However nerves and hangover were soon forgotten as we headed out into the middle of the river and the adrenaline started pumping .
30 All was soon forgotten as we trooped off first to a reception thrown by the Count and Countess de Vogue , and then to the Worthington , Fort Worth 's grand hotel , for dinner and dancing .
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