Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She has defended the Mulroney government , whereas Mr Charest has discreetly distanced himself from the old regime .
2 She told me that the previous year she had confided to an American friend in Rome that the two people who most fascinated her in the world were Albert Schweitzer and Herbert von Karajan ; and a year later she was sitting in an empty hall with Walter Legge , Elisabeth Schwarzkopf , and Herbert von Karajan listening to a private recital on the organ by Albert Schweitzer .
3 In August-September 1982 it proved unable to clinch a peace treaty with its Maronite ally , having effectively installed it as the new Lebanese government .
4 I still had five , and I had rather expected something of the kind might happen .
5 Why , she wondered , when she had effectively let him off the hook ?
6 you 'd merely likened it to the bin-skips
7 However , the talents of her mind amply compensated for the defects of her person ; and if , with so few advantages , she was capable of writing with so much credit to herself , there can be no doubt but , if her career had been prolonged , she would have greatly distinguished herself in the annals of female literature [
8 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
9 The company , which has pretty much limited itself to the German market so far , is also looking to peddle its suite of software products across the border , in France , and is currently courting French distributors .
10 You 've obviously enjoyed your career very much and we 've all enjoyed you over the years , would you be pleased if your grandchildren went into acting ?
11 Well , well , well , Captain , I nearly did you a great injustice a minute or two ago , I thought you had not perhaps addressed yourself to the problem on hand .
12 By middle age Bartram has so educated himself in the classics , sciences , medicines and above all , botany , that he was regarded as one of the intellectuals of his time .
13 They moved to Dallas , and Graham has so immersed himself in the American way of life that I am surprised he has not sought American citizenship .
14 The CNAA , in its desire to ensure that the courses which it validates are of a sufficiently high standard , has necessarily concerned itself with the resources and ethos of institutions as a whole and has not hesitated to pass judgment on them , going , some would argue , beyond the responsibilities laid upon it by its Royal Charter .
15 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
16 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
17 His present celebrity is a fairly recent phenomenon , and he insists that it has not really affected him , although he acknowledges that his appearances on television shows and in magazine profiles have somewhat robbed him of the anonymity which still clings to his ‘ invisible ’ friend , Cartier-Bresson .
18 If I 'd only met you in the first place … before Bella , and … well … ’
19 We 've argued for years about meals on wheel service that there should be seven day a week service throughout this authority , we 've only got it in the City , we want it throughout the authority .
20 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
21 At journey 's end she folded over the top of the bag and thoughtfully replaced it behind the netting on the back of the seat in front .
22 Though no amount of apologising was going to excuse the fact that she had deliberately misled them , even given that she had only misled them from the best of motives — so that they should not worry .
23 The Oxford ordination ceremonies have been booked for April the sixteenth and seventeenth of next year although the Diocese stresses there 's been no race to be first , they 've merely found themselves at the head of the queue .
24 After all , Changez was needed in the shop even more urgently now that Anwar had so enfeebled himself on the Gandhi-diet in order to get Changez to Britain in the first place .
25 The elation he 'd felt the day before at his own breathtaking adventure with the Moi girl now also seemed suddenly shameful to him , and he began to wonder if his exaggerated pride in the deed had n't been the direct cause of the danger in which he and his mother had suddenly found themselves on the plain .
26 It was as if a light blow , say on her cheek , had suddenly distracted her from the braced confidence of her early mood to an unwelcome uncertainty .
27 The mess steward came in with Woolley 's piano-accordion and gently laid it on the table .
28 ( and rightly linked it to the
29 My mother obviously found something in the house .
30 In May 1937 street fighting had broken out in Barcelona and was used as an excuse for outlawing the " Trotskyist " POUM , not in fact Trotskyist but a breakaway from the Spanish Communist Party in close touch with the British ILP.6 By 1938 the Communist Party had so entrenched itself through the use of Soviet aid and advisers that it was able to force the resignation of Prime Minister Prieto and to improve its position in the Cabinet .
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