Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] her [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings , presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone .
2 Aunt Margaret sat on a bank of primroses , naked but for a cloak of brilliant green loosely slung around her shoulders .
3 She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did n't hear the taxi pull up outside at all , nor the opening and closing of the kitchen door .
4 Three years did n't seem such a long time when one of them had elapsed , and although Robyn was satisfied that she was highly valued by her colleagues , the talk at the University these days was all of further cuts , of tightening belts , deteriorating staff-student ratios .
5 Her eyebrows were red as if thickly marked above her eyes with red ink but her face was colourless , no blood at all showing in cheeks or narrow lips .
6 Whimpering softly , she tried to break away , but his grasp merely tightened on her shoulders , firing warning signals in her brain .
7 If the truth were known , he had only acceded to her wishes because it took him away from her , allowing him access to libraries , bookshops and students of all races and creeds — many of them Irish .
8 For the rest of the short journey she sat beside him uneasily , no longer so taken with her surroundings .
9 And she has been so taken by her findings she has put them all down on paper .
10 Vortigern was so taken by her charms that he took her for his wife .
11 Her soft leather shoes made little sound on the stone steps and she was so lost in her thoughts that she did n't hear other footsteps coming as rapidly towards her .
12 Rachel had become so lost in her thoughts that she suddenly realised her father had been talking to her and she had n't heard a word .
13 In fact so engrossed with her movements was he that he bumped into a young woman who was struggling with an impossibly heavy suitcase .
14 She was so engrossed in her thoughts that Dr Kent had to speak to her twice before she heard his request to help him move Bobbie Cole so that he could examine her .
15 She may know that her tears will relieve her tension more effectively than shouting back or pretending not to notice , or they may be tears of anger rather than the vulnerability so despised by her colleagues .
16 Because the blinkers had finally fallen from her eyes when he had asked her if it could be worse .
17 The NVALA 's concern for the welfare of children — young people would perhaps be a more accurate term , given the ages Mrs Whitehouse generally included in her statements — extends further than television to the printed picture and word .
18 ‘ I have a feeling that Silvia may have finally come to her senses . ’
19 She is reading a letter she has just written to her parents . ]
20 He brought village news , too , titbits that Victorine indicated she had already gleaned in her trips to the shops .
21 She was normally a very honest person — so why had she just lied through her teeth ?
22 The queen mother remarried but her new husband , Sir James Stewart , the Black Knight of Lorne , was soon seized by her enemies and ‘ put in a pit and bollit ’ ( presumably boiled in a pit or pot ) until she agreed to relinquish her son to one scheming clique .
23 She is best known for her rings with tall bezels towering above slender hoops .
24 The Belgian-born Hepburn is best known for her roles in such classics as My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany 's .
25 A flush swept into her cheeks .
26 ‘ Tell that to the only child of a respected Madrid family who 'd already gone against her parents ’ wishes to fly . ’
27 One horrified look told him that Daisy had already sunk to her pasterns .
28 She hit her and at the same time as she hit her she virtually came to a er , a stop because of the fact she wa she started to brake as soon as she saw the the children appear er , but ne never the less contact was made but thankfully for her and for the child the the contact was a a at no significant speed , the child was just knocked off her feet and she got up and waved to Mrs and said I 'm alright and she ran off and she was away before Mrs had time , even to undo her safety belt to get out of the car .
29 Her wages only just paid for her expenses : now a taxi was a memory .
30 It seemed to him that the essential Eileen had already receded from her eyes .
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