Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here , an allergy to chloroform was successfully treated using a homoeopathic preparation of chloroform .
2 Chelmsford 's sixth gold medal was earned by Simon Bown , an unemployed 18-year-old who is widely tipped to get an international vest this Summer throwing the hammer .
3 Commission chairman , P.K. Iyengar , claims that such work is labour intensive , and hence India will be better placed to offer an economical service than more developed nations .
4 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
5 And if Jardines sought to sell out of Hongkong Land , it would be better placed to demand a hefty premium for offering effective control without the need to buy out smaller shareholders .
6 The cyclic quadrilateral so formed has an important property ; its opposite angles add to 180° .
7 The last delivery from the Royal Oak Colliery in South Wales had amounted to only half the tonnage ordered the rest apparently diverted to fulfil a similar order from another preserved railway .
8 Although using a road map , she managed to lose herself and so stopped to ask a young man the way .
9 Subsequent investigators have attempted to read deep , allegorical , psychological , and even transcendental meanings into the book ; it is more likely that Stoker merely intended to write a popular horror story by taking an ancient legend , placing it in a contemporary setting , and garnishing his tale with blood , thunder , and damsels in distress .
10 The seventy-five years preceding 1066 were a time of great activity in the Canterbury scriptorium , which produced a number of magnificently-illustrated gospel and service-books , as well as many more mundane volumes apparently intended to form a new cathedral library .
11 In celebration of his new appointment Mozart apparently intended to write a large scale missa solemnis in D minor , of which one movement , a Kyrie previously thought to date from much earlier in his career , survives .
12 She 'd only intended to buy a small tin of paint and one brush .
13 You may have only intended to have a small black coffee but given all the antecedent events ( that is , the things we have described leading up to walking into the café ) , the probability is high that you will break the diet .
14 Do n't shout at me ; it gives a ghost a fright I 've only come to have a little chat I do not think we 've met .
15 And the seams of the canister are only designed to withstand a certain amount of pressure .
16 Government critics predicted that violence would now escalate , arguing that Fujimori had played into the hands of Sendero , which had long wished to provoke a military coup in the hope of establishing itself as the sole democratic force opposed to a repressive government .
17 Since the Great War , 1914–18 , it has been practiced by wage-earners , suffering from long periods of unemployment and underemployment , so drastic that it seemed abject folly to produce children who could neither be adequately nourished nor sufficiently educated to secure a satisfactory livelihood .
18 The series by Berg shown in Example 122 was obviously designed to give a lyrical melodic sweep to the melody in the second movement of his Lyric Suite for string quartet : It will be noted that Berg 's series contains three distinct tonal groups : minor chords on D and F , and four notes from G to D within the tonal zone of G. However , tonal factors are less essential to a good melodic series than variety of intervals and memorable interval relationships .
19 The dwellings will be so designed to provide a satisfactory level of privacy for adjoining residential properties .
20 The pupils can manipulate the data or screen image , experimenting and taking risks which can be swiftly deleted leaving a professional image on screen unspoiled by scratchings and rubbings out .
21 Commuters to the capital obviously decided to take a long weekend or were put up in hotels overnight by their employers , said a spokesman .
22 The recurrent celebration of the martyrs ' feast days catered for the need to make the church 's past present , linked the sacred time of the Christian year into the sacred history of God 's holy people , and so helped to reconcile a triumphant faith which had emerged dominant in society , with the tenacious sense that blessedness lay in being persecuted for his name , and it kept alive a sense that Christ 's kingdom was not of this world .
23 He will thus be better equipped to give an informed opinion than under the present procedure when the papers are returned to him some months later through the Lord Chief Justice .
24 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
25 At an international meat conference in Australia , an Australian , with tongue in cheek , urged Europe to use up its beef mountain in a couple of vast barbecue nights , claiming every European consumer only needed to eat an extra 10lbs of beef and the mountain would be gone .
26 The Collectanea , on the other hand , almost certainly influenced both the tone and direction of Henry 's statements on the subject , for unlike Tyndale its authors were not calling for Henry to seize new powers in order to reform the church , but were merely insisting that he was already head of the church and only needed to exercise a pre-existing authority .
27 The FDP leader , Erich Mende , only agreed to form a new coalition with the CDU if Adenauer agreed , in writing , that he would resign within two years .
28 Hence the definitions aim to be very clear and precise , perhaps produced using a restricted defining vocabulary .
29 The Club obviously preferred to have a public supply but this did not seem easy to arrange for the Minutes frequently talk about ‘ bringing pressure to bear on the Water Companies ’ .
30 Sport does tend to thrust the begging bowl at politicians , when it would be better employed preparing an unanswerable case for substantial state aid .
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