Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] not [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They naturally did not think to apply it to their own empires .
2 The hon. Member for Dagenham ( Mr. Gould ) , in a half sentence that he perhaps did not mean to utter , let the cat out of the bag .
3 Lily too had noticed the policeman by now and perhaps did not want to encounter him .
4 The woman was simply his mistress , whom for some reason he did not want me to meet ; or who perhaps did not want to meet me .
5 De Gaulle apparently did not care to give ministers an opportunity to make important decisions without his supervision .
6 For comparison , Toglia , Payne , Nightingale and Ceci ( 1989 ) found that the threat of taking a blood sample alone did not appear to affect overall levels of performance at list learning , face recognition for a nurse who did not in fact take a blood sample or cued recall for an earlier conversation .
7 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
8 Later on the Paignton to Kingswear branch was closed by BR and was bought up by Dart Valley who obviously did not wish to find another competing railway only 10 miles away .
9 She knew how badly one sister had treated you ; she quite obviously did n't want to see you become associated with the other … ’
10 He obviously did n't plan to make it easy for her .
11 Also on the visiting critics ' itinerary were such exotica as a barbecue dinner and a visit to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo ; your correspondent , a native Texan , had not been to the rodeo since 1961 , when he shook Roy Rogers 's hand , but none the less did not feel compelled to spice up this report with such familiar Texas seasoning .
12 SO Iran-contra did not happen much , except to certain people ; and even those people often felt caught up in events that were exceptionally odd and different , adventures they might have watched on television , and in which they especially did not expect to find themselves .
13 She especially did not want to enjoy herself .
14 People especially did not wish to know about the administration 's private efforts to prop up the contras .
15 He especially did n't like to think what would happen if his mother ever discovered that he was going to sneak out of the house to attend an illegal meeting a few days hence .
16 But like er , she took it sch to school and Scott was giving us a lift to school so did n't have to walk and she 's in the car and she 's going if this gets if this gets all smashed up Scott I hope you realise I 'm blaming you !
17 They had fridges at home so did n't need to shop every day on the corner .
18 He suddenly did not want to lose her respect .
19 He obviously had n't wanted to talk and in a way Ruth was relieved .
20 In practice , a number of dealers had not succeeded in passing the little BIDS exam , and obviously had n't bothered to cheat their way through it either .
21 Also , the biggest point in his favour was the way he remembered her so well that he not only had not minded admitting it to me , but had been very nice in the process .
22 The quotations were accurate but one sensed within Aumann 's text an underlying idea : not just that Palestine was empty of people — which it assuredly was not — but that perhaps those people who did live there somehow did not deserve to do so ; that they were too slovenly to use modern irrigation methods or to plant trees or to build brick houses .
23 Ianthe was trying to imagine what the room would be like and where exactly the house would be but somehow did not like to ask for further details .
24 Campese , definitely unlike Best , says he would n't know how to chat up a girl , though Best did n't have to do much chatting .
25 Oh it 's still Christopher 's birthday anyway did n't mean to start talking about mine , only as a means for having a meal out .
26 She just did not want to leave here .
27 I had no idea what else I might do , but I just did not want to play tournament golf .
28 He just did not expect to come across the late Norman Britton in the garden of the Ferret and Firkin at half past six in the evening .
29 However , this does not mean that his position was incompatible with individual reformation ; he just did not happen to consider it .
30 Before going he had told us that firstly , all his carp had been caught on sweetcorn and bread and although fishing with boilies on one rod all week he had been able to get a take , in his words they just did not seem to eat them ; secondly , although there were plenty of carp on the surface they did not seem the least bit interested in floaters , and thirdly he was at a loss to know what one needed to do to put a cat on the bank .
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