Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In February 1940 at the Labour Exchange at Devizes , I duly registered for military service .
2 He looked at his master rather anxiously as he spoke , and Cornelius Fennell , catching that warning eye , perversely asked for another piece .
3 Tawney , Sadler , Bray , Gibb , Best and Ogden , and Dyer , among others , all argued for trade-based courses with an emphasis on practical instruction .
4 She only asked for one word to be removed . ’
5 Mr Heseltine , when Secretary of State for the Environment , constantly argued for extra resources which were withheld by Mrs Thatcher and the Treasury , and succeeding ministers have been no more successful .
6 If I analyse the bosses I 've worked for , the ones who irritated me the most were the ones who were indecisive and who constantly asked for more information just to delay making a decision .
7 But the pastor only came for one service every two weeks even then , in the war . ’
8 In my day we treated our old heroes right and they only played for 10 bob a week .
9 Nothing apparently happened for two months after the Institute 's delegation .
10 One tall girl with curly hair only hitched for two minutes before a smiling family picked her up .
11 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
12 We only went for two days .
13 The most recent was in the early 1980s , during the first couple of years of the Thatcher government but that only lasted for 18 months .
14 After a spell in private practice , Vial was made equerry to Louis XVI and chef de manège of the Lyons riding academy , a post he apparently held for some years , but could not retain .
15 The tables and the chairs , the cups and the spoons , the stains on the wall , the dust on the floor , the ache in my mind — all these things and everything else in sight mercifully receded for whole minutes at a time as my eyes took in the picture of that girl with the black hair , the pale face and the red boots .
16 Dulles and Admiral Radford later in the same month militantly argued for American intervention if Egypt — equipped with Russian arms — were to attack Israel .
17 ‘ We just came for five years … ’ : writings about young life in Jamaica and adult life in England .
18 Montague , encouraged by king and nobles , masterminded the arrest of Mortimer and Isabella at a great council meeting in Nottingham castle in October 1330 ; Isabella was consigned to comfortable retirement , but Mortimer , soon condemned for notorious offences against the crown , was executed in November .
19 And the overall groupings which we finally evolved for this book in terms of life focus also turn out to be remarkably close to the clusters of life styles picked out in an earlier American study taking just this perspective , Robert Williams and Claudine Wirths 's Lives through the Years .
20 General Westmoreland , the American commander in Vietnam , soon called for further reinforcements , claiming that peace was " just around the corner " .
21 ‘ Ithell Colquhoun thus spoke for future generations of women artists when in 1943 she stressed the need to escape from gender barriers .
22 These annual Councils normally lasted for three days and were composed of official sermons , addresses and conferences on various topics .
23 Detectives in Northwich yesterday appealed for public help in catching the pair .
24 BRITAIN 'S first vicar from the Pakistani community yesterday prayed for divine intervention in the great Cricket Ball Row .
25 LABOUR backbenchers yesterday called for two Cabinet ministers to explain how they allegedly spent £6,000 of taxpayers ' money on three urgent flights home from France , or repay the money .
26 SCOTLAND 's two largest trade unions yesterday called for increased investment in public transport after a study which reaffirmed that Scotland has the lowest level of car ownership in Britain .
27 Former premier Baroness Thatcher yesterday called for Western powers to launch air strikes against military targets inside Serbia .
28 Polytechnic directors yesterday called for more government funding .
29 PRESIDENT Corazon Aquino yesterday called for tough sentences against coup leaders while the military launched a big manhunt to track down those still at large .
30 A VICAR yesterday called for mass action to stamp out crime on an estate where good neighbour Les Reed was kicked and beaten to death as he tackled vandals .
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