Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That meeting with Ken and his decision to make Ken 's part big made it a sort of broken-back type of play .
2 I 'm glad I did n't buy a sling because I only used it a couple of times .
3 ‘ My parents only told me a bit about them , ’ said Creggan , ‘ and I only saw one once when a pair came close to my homesite and my mother attacked them .
4 And when I worked for her boss he only paid me a fiver !
5 Spotting a hatch in the far wall , she walked across and gingerly opened it a crack .
6 They more or less called him a fool when he tried to change back into whatever it was our current whatever it was and if that 's the case erm Hungar Hungarians are holding on to this two thousand pound , it 's surety is n't it ?
7 He resented the implied criticism , and defended himself by saying he merely gave her a book which he happened to have with him , rather than one he felt suitable for such a person .
8 We stood eyeing each other for a few minutes and then to my amazement a jeep came up ; the farmer saw my problem and not only gave me a lift past the bull but took me right to the main road where the bike was .
9 But this only gave us a taste of the variety of altered states we would encounter ahead .
10 Not only had she a history of past Amativeness ( the fact that she was a " fallen woman " and so forth ) , but anyone who looked at her could see Amativeness written all over her .
11 " How long had you a holding there ? "
12 It , it was one of those chips and ju they just asked me a minute .
13 And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years .
14 He did n't dislike the man ; he just found him a bore .
15 I , I forgotten that it was Justine , I , it just threw me a bit that erm , erm , Nick asked me to let you know that we were here and that we 'd received the chairs .
16 They sat at one of the marble-topped tables and ordered coffee from a bored waitress who scarcely spared them a glance .
17 Benjamin must have been well-pleased with his little brood : Benjamin James and William were both married by 1872 , and soon brought him a series of grandchildren .
18 The vicar , Charles Fry , taught me elementary Greek on Saturdays in my latter years at school , and in return I wrote some letters at his dictation , for which he generously gave me a shilling an hour .
19 Yet it was the submission of two ‘ humorous ’ scripts in ‘ The Raconteur ’ series that finally won me a job with the C.B.C .
20 I just gave her a bit of a hand and these sort of questions where they 've got so many alternatives answers to fill the spaces
21 I just gave her a lift to the Fair . ’
22 I mean , she did n't ask anything , she just gave me a look when I got back .
23 You just gave me a shock .
24 When I told her what was troubling me she just gave me a piece of clean rag and said more or less the same as Mum had .
25 I like to listen to the news , but yesterday it just gave me a headache .
26 ‘ They did n't pay me no wages , not real wages , they just gave me a bob now and again , and me board and lodgin' , and some clothes .
27 I just gave him a look .
28 They just gave him a slap on the wrist then and that enabled him to go out and kill my husband .
29 I just gave him a piece of fruit , Oscar said , and told him to learn French .
30 Er no cos I realized that I was that it was totally wrong so I just gave it a miss and went on to something else .
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