Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Bernice ran the fingers of her free hand through her thickly beaded dreadlocks as she tried to think .
2 but we did n't you see , we did n't , we just got things as we went on and of course in those days , it was , what was it called ?
3 ITALY 'S heavyweight opera star Luciano Pavarotti yesterday dismissed reports that he plans to quit opera to concentrate on recitals .
4 DAME Barbara Cartland yesterday slammed claims that she is worth £40 million as ‘ pure romance … complete fiction . ’
5 THE Health Secretary Mr Kenneth Clarke yesterday rejected claims that he was trying to break the ambulancemen 's strike when he told MPs he had decided the army would be mobilised to help to answer emergency calls in London .
6 And er I know the housing office always had excuses that they had put the the report in and we were just waiting for someone to do it .
7 He also rejected claims that he had corrected errors of judgement by Nicholas Ridley .
8 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
9 She later told friends that she was not convinced by this form of treatment .
10 He later told police that she was ‘ like a grandma to me ’ .
11 But he also reminded scientists that they could have greater influence by lobbying their local MPs .
12 Noades also denied reports that he is chasing Sheffield United manager Dave Bassett , Noades ' manager when he was chairman at Wimbledon .
13 In answer to charge 4 that he had treated Royan without taking a proper history or examination or consulting his general practitioner , Dr Mumby said he took the clinical history in the form of a questionnaire which patients filled out in advance but he rarely examined patients because they had usually been examined many times elsewhere and because taking a history by questionnaire was an established technique of clinical ecology .
14 They strongly denied suggestions that they had been " bought off " by offers of Japanese aid .
15 In 1626 , James Reid of Edinburgh University considered the possibility of the earth 's axial rotation , suggesting that Scripture sometimes described phenomena as they appeared to the senses , rather than as they really were .
16 John was supposed to come and meet me from work to carry my heavy shopping and then changed plans and he had just walked in with JONATHAN ( proper name JIMMY ) .
17 While the nursing staff had been keenly following the implementation of the ENP , some of them did not seem to be familiar with my parameters of practice — I sometimes missed patients that I could have treated because they were not being filtered through to me .
18 He allegedly told police that he had no memory of what happened that night .
19 ‘ However this will not be the case if you no longer live in the property where you previously paid rates because it is the 1989–90 rates of the property where you now live which is used to calculate any reduction .
20 They never asked questions but they were inevitably acquiring information that could be fatal .
21 I never loved others because I never really loved myself .
22 She never wore slacks because she said stars did n't .
23 Diana not only ostentatiously wore outfits that she had been seen in before — to knock a few criticisms on the head about the money she spent on her wardrobe — but she also seized the opportunity to kill off a few more misconceptions .
24 Cos she used to say , ‘ I never had daughters but I 've ended up with three . ’
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