Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , I just came across so much of it every where I was , I thought actually there there 's a book in this because it used to get , just get me so cross writing theatre history and , and reading these terrible things !
2 Have so many ever died for so little gain ?
3 Spirit and flesh both quailed before so difficult and rowdy an audience on so difficult and perilous a subject … as I sat in the committee room while the order of the meeting was being arranged , and heard my audience shouting , singing , crowing like cocks … and keeping up a continuous uproar , I thought to myself , ‘ I have got to go into that and control it somehow so as to be heard ’ …
4 Certain other students simply fell behind so much that they could not catch up later on .
5 ‘ Me ma went and dropped me there then died without so much as a word .
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