Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ( 128 ) Other women — they only made me love you more .
2 She did n't like Mr Evans , no one could , but Nick hating him so much made her dislike him less .
3 But now she suddenly realised it fitted him like a glove .
4 There was every possible opportunity and we discussed it ; he was keen but not importunate , which naturally made me love him more and be more inclined to give him what he was so sweetly not insisting on , but something held me back .
5 ‘ But I began this without any hope whatsoever of winning the one thing I wanted above all others because I thought it was already given , and what I took in compensation merely made me want it more and resent its absence , because I kept loving you more and more .
6 The good lady thought that he was shy , and constantly twitted him to bring him into the talk ; Paul hoped that she would get over it as the days passed , and this proved to be the case .
7 In telling me that , until my confirmation , my godparents were , by proxy , responsible for my sins , merely drove me to keep it that way .
8 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
9 You you more or less guessed I suppose it would somehow get get to be known by somebody you know .
10 The rasping noise was quite upsetting but when he did n't make it I gently shook him to make him breathe again and I did n't feel that I could relax , let alone sleep , for one minute .
11 ‘ He wrongly claimed I misled him by concealing knowledge of the Matrix Churchill case when I explained the Government 's policy .
12 Anyway ; I used to be petrified of these dragons , even though I knew they probably did n't exist ; I mean I knew there was no Santa Claus , and no fairies and elves , but still thought ghosts and dragons were a possibility , and it only took one to kill you
13 The agent just gave it to me , which obviously meant he wanted him to do it and is unusual because they do n't normally give out telephone numbers .
14 Having observed his or her own former situation by means of regression , the patent will then during the course of a counselling session have the opportunity to discuss what happened ( something that may never have been done before ) , to express anger at the perpetrator and possibly at others who may have guessed what was going on but perhaps did nothing to prevent it , and to understand that he or she was in no way to blame for what occurred .
15 Not only did they drench her in a water fight when she did n't have a change of clothes and throw her on the muck heap , but on Friday evening offered her a roll filled with Doggie Dins , so she spent the rest of the night throwing up .
16 Not only did they enjoy it but it certainly worked extremely well for those that followed it properly .
17 Not only did she hate him , it was the exact thing he wanted — a sign that she was the little scrubber he believed she was .
18 Not only did she receive them quickly , but her answers arrived back in no time .
19 Another advantage was being near enough to the basecamp to go back for lunch ; not only did it mean we could have a hot drink but it avoided the clammy sensation , which Carole graphically described , of sitting down for lunch when you 're soaked on the outside and soaked on the inside .
20 ‘ She only did it to take him off you , ’ Nick said .
21 Not only did it make it possible to conceive of the settlement , a succession of trusts , where a trust was set up in favour of a beneficiary who was himself charged with a trust in favour of a further beneficiary , but it also allowed trusts to be set up on intestacy , which led to the growth of an advanced system of property disposition on death which had absolutely no connection with a will .
22 It 's my humble belief you only did it to hurt me , oh yes , spit on the bourgeois , épater the middleclass , oh aye , get your own back on Mr Grant and me for our fitted carpets and crinoline toiletroll covers when you grew up on berr linoleum in a singelenn' in Bridgeton .
23 Not only did it free him from Reine , it returned him to préfleur .
24 ‘ I knew , the moment I put the phone down from making that call to England , that not only did I love you with every breath of my being , but there was no way that I could take your being married to anyone but me . ’
25 So so not only did you read it you heard about it .
26 Not only did he tell me all the train times I needed to know ( without so much as a sigh ) , he also found out how I might get from Elstree station to the BBC studios .
27 Not only did he give me a shock , he also hurt me .
28 It was worthwhile , though — not only did he make me feel young and raunchy again , he left me with enough self-esteem to believe in my capabilities as a single mother . ’
29 Not only did he sponsor us , he kept referring to our escapade as ‘ canoeing ’ ; this was stretching things a bit too far .
30 So it 's how quickly is it using electricity and how long did you leave it on for ?
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