Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Some lay eggs among the stones , so camouflaged you would mistake them for the rocks themselves .
2 Marc was saying , ‘ When I gave you that place on your twenty-first birthday , Peter , I foolishly imagined it would help you settle down as you seemed to have no idea what you wanted to do with your life .
3 ‘ When Mrs Howard asked for an escort , I naturally assumed we would assign her one of our own people .
4 If Carson had been predictably agreeable and obviously interested she would have accepted the lift and that , apart perhaps from the promise of a follow-up lunch some time , would have been the end of it .
5 There was a pause , and he obviously thought we would go .
6 The house , of course , would have to be sold , although heaven alone knew who would buy an old barn like that these days .
7 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
8 Brigitte is having a party and when I knew you were here I naturally said we would go . ’
9 The great bells of the abbey were booming and I idly wondered what would have happened to my life if Jack Hogg and I had not been taken .
10 Unisys Corp and Honeywell Inc say they have settled the pending lawsuits over the sale of the Sperry Aerospace Group to Honeywell in December 1986 — Honeywell reckoned that it paid too much because Unisys held back material information ; Unisys will make a pre-tax payment to Honeywell of $43.2m over three years toward a $70m total settlement , with the remaining funding coming from insurance and an investment banking firm ; as a result of the settlement , Unisys will report a net extraordinary charge of $26.4m against its first quarter figures for the period to March 31 ; it says the charge will be offset by a larger than expected net gain from implementing the FASB 106 and FASB 109 accounting changes that it already announced it would make .
11 Two engines from Weeley and Clacton were called out to the reported barn fire just before 8 pm , but they soon realised they would need reinforcements , including the rescue tender from Colchester .
12 I thought , just assumed they would have known .
13 With the easy grace and dignity associated with the old amateur tradition there was never any doubt that the job would come to him , and so gifted was he as a batsman that one somehow assumed he would slip easily into it once he had learned the ropes .
14 Most soldiers would have been only too happy to go over the top , as they no longer believed they would survive a war some were saying would last for ever .
15 Observing what went on ; he soon decided he would like a bigger share of the action .
16 She just felt it would help to establish some boundaries , and just then she felt they both needed space to get over the incident .
17 And erm for summer then we put some here and some seaweed and it made it look kind of queer like but Mr Davis our art teacher just thought it would make it look more interesting .
18 I just thought it would have saved time .
19 As there has been very little traffic today , I just thought I would comment on somebody 's statement that Leeds have possibly got the best squad in the premier league .
20 I just thought I would have heard something by now .
21 well , just thought I would keep you informed of news on the Scottish scene
22 Just thought you would like to know .
23 Jane Pargeter probably just thought she would fulfil her petty revenge and leave Jim Lancaster to have a row with his pushy wife .
24 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
25 They just said they would support any action the executive took you see .
26 Now he just wished she would leave him alone .
27 Over these last nine years , I have had opportunities to participate in the exercise of more power than I ever imagined I would have .
28 I do n't think that he ever imagined I would take up running so seriously .
29 In future , she would not go looking for love , or trying to manufacture it out of other lesser emotions , but she still believed it would find her one day .
30 Somehow Walter always believed he would die first .
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