Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] then [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 When the horse reared as Ana 's had done it seemed to grow in stature , holding the stance endlessly and then leaping into that strange jump , its forelegs not touching the ground .
2 If you said well you ca n't apply this time , you may be able to in three years time but pragmatists they like something that they can take away and then put into practice straight away and they can try out .
3 you 'll have your tea in the hall downstairs and then go into the service upstairs in the Methodist church
4 ‘ Part of a building ’ will include entering a building lawfully but then going into a part of the building as a trespasser , such as entering the private quarters in a public house which was entered lawfully in the first instance or going behind an unattended counter in a shop .
5 The smoke got in their eyes and in their hair , they were impregnated with wood-smoke , while the carcase crackled and browned , and now and then spat into flame .
6 The various nations and nationalities of the USSR , at the same time , had their specific concerns , and the neglect of these during the Stalin and Brezhnev years had led them to take the form of ‘ public disaffection , which now and then escalated into conflicts ’ .
7 And he has done well but then runs into trouble in the considerable shape of Ormanroyd who knocks it long .
8 He was followed by Jimmy Lett who had taken up gliding initially and then progressed into powered aircraft .
9 And then it was boiled and boiled that it was er tender and that and then it was taken out and cut into bits and this is what a potted head And then it was That was done and then er Where the water what was boiled there was often fat but that was all skimmed off , and er next day there was as much water in the And er meat from the head was put in and pepper and salt and that , and then it was boiled again and then put into little dishes and that was your potted head .
10 ‘ My grandmother would have been a hundred and forty this Christmas , ’ Doris began again and then lapsed into silence .
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