Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd wanted to escort her home but she had threatened to commit arson if he came within a quarter of a mile of the theatre .
2 Sally 's hand was clutching at her pearls now and she had turned very pale beneath her makeup .
3 Craig had been staying with her for some weeks now and she had grown used to seeing him there in her kitchen .
4 She had been too nervous to eat the evening before and she had skipped breakfast this morning .
5 Then her anger erupted , her hand flashed upwards and she had delivered a stinging slap to his left cheek before she even realised that she intended to .
6 Pat Yot had never been entrusted with such responsibility before but she had become a friend of the family ; to Bernard and Laura loyalty and energy mattered far more than experience .
7 She had never been to Spain before but she had imagined it .
8 Louise had gone back to Nîmes now but she had left Sally the white dress as a parting gift and even without the waspie-waisted basque it was by far the nicest thing Sally owned .
9 She had been six years old then and she had thought the fireworks the most beautiful sight in the world .
10 Not long ago she had begun to talk of life not being worth living again and she had demanded that Harry should tell her , once and for all , why it was worth living .
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