Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AROMATHERAPY can do a little or a great deal for you , depending on how much effort you are prepared to put into safeguarding your health and increasing your vitality .
2 It has been a traumatic time for everyone at Burston during the past year or so and a great deal has been achieved over a very short time .
3 He eased his horse round and they ambled along the ridge until the ground fell steeply away and a great valley stretched below them , a silver river sketched through it .
4 Wood is not a material which suffers fools gladly and a great deal of the trouble with wooden aeroplanes was due to wooden people .
5 And another part was still looking out of the rear window of the taxi at the green hills receding behind the tiled roofs into the morning sunshine ; still standing in the corridor of the train as the flat terrain of southern England slid past and a great weight built up steadily in my chest .
6 He is the finest child about here and a great pet with all in the family . ’
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