Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AROMATHERAPY can do a little or a great deal for you , depending on how much effort you are prepared to put into safeguarding your health and increasing your vitality .
2 [ music ] But as this music fades into the Interlude the E/F figure is suddenly no more than a detail in the seascape , a gull 's cry perhaps or a slight turbulence on the water [ 3 ] .
3 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
4 As such , a student may take one or two modules only or a whole set of modules specifically grouped together to meet the needs of a particular industry or employer .
5 At its most basic , the message sent from a small dashboard display would give information about the make and model of car , its registration number and position — but there 's no reason why it could n't also relate that the driver was a woman alone or a disabled person .
6 Jack might be jolly enough and a fine fellow when spending his hard-earned cash ashore , but he very quickly became " Poor Jack " when , after months cooped up at sea , he found himself fleeced by prostitutes , brothel keepers , slop-sellers and crimps for no better reason than exploitation of his hunger for female company and his desire for entertainment and refreshment .
7 In the spring of 1938 the old doctor who had attended her died suddenly and a young man took over the practice .
8 The rain came suddenly and a hot wind , as if someone had opened a furnace door , hurled it against the car .
9 The door opened suddenly and a furious Algernon emerged to find James leaning over the stair rail listening quietly .
10 Nails and Hoomey wriggled free and made off like hares and by the time the opposition had refocussed on Seb as main aggressor rather than Jazz a police car was cruising to a standstill alongside and a new element was introduced .
11 Our first steps off the Spyway road took us through green and pleasant farmland where playful sheep frolicked alongside and a lone tractor droningly went about its work .
12 The breakfront version is useful ; this has cupboards below and a deep shelf at waist height to hold drink trays , stereo turntable and so on .
13 Just a tired row of shops opposite and a seedy-looking pub on the corner and a disused laundry with boarded-up windows and a For Sale notice .
14 It has been a traumatic time for everyone at Burston during the past year or so and a great deal has been achieved over a very short time .
15 We all had lunch together and a nice talk .
16 She has a flat , round face with eyes close together and a wide smile .
17 It is an ideal opportunity to play constructively together and a useful way for everyone to make new friends .
18 Everyone got happily drunk together and a good time was had by all ; so long as the band kept the beat , what they played was immaterial .
19 The more mature child will be the initiator of imaginative play with boxes , planks and tyres , knowing from past games that certain boxes will fit together and a particular plank will bridge a gap .
20 Only but a whole ham if you are really going to use it .
21 There is no difference overall between adenoidectomy only and ventilation tubes alone but a significant benefit of adenoidectomy and tube insertion in combination above any other treatment .
22 Do you think it 's going to be a cold night tonight or a hot night ?
23 Each period of casual employment will be treated separately and a previous period may not be aggregated with a current period for determining sick leave allowable .
24 He eased his horse round and they ambled along the ridge until the ground fell steeply away and a great valley stretched below them , a silver river sketched through it .
25 A mildly magnetised screwdriver may drive the system right off-scale from a foot away and a small magnet can be detected at six to eight feet .
26 The Tsar and nobility would be swept away and a new society based on the social justice and decentralized self-government of the peasant commune would emerge .
27 At Philadelphia he had been joined by two others in what was obviously a preplanned meeting since the moment dinner was cleared away and a new round of gin and diet tonics ordered they began a miniature board meeting .
28 He looked away and a dark flush spread through his face , making him look suddenly very vulnerable .
29 The collection includes a despatch bag , perfect for use as a flight bag ; small , medium and large duffle bags ; an overnighter , ideal for weekends away and a functional suit carrier .
30 The crowd begins to melt away and a bubbling froth is tossed along the river , dancing and swirling and disappearing from sight round the bend .
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