Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb past] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The museum man placed his fingertips together and nodded at Davide as he took trouble to explain , and the colour flowed back from Davide 's cheeks and he slipped the coin into his pocket , with its two faces that were neither mirror images of one another , nor replicas , but a false double , an inexact repeat .
2 He pulled his hands away and stared at Lord Henry with wild eyes .
3 He pushed his plate away and stared at Rodriguez .
4 Now she could feel the solid muscle of her daughter 's arms and she wanted to lean against her and draw comfort and strength ; but she pulled away and looked at Phoebe with that straight , clear , appraising look that was her hallmark .
5 I remember being with him when a drunken drug addict , brought to his door by Sgt. Hendry , broke away and lunged at Chief Fyvie bringing up his hand-cuffed wrists to strike the chief in the face .
6 She had been looking at Mick , but turned slowly and looked at Joe , and smiling slightly said , ‘ Yes ; yes , of course . ’
7 Alyssia sat up quickly and looked at Piers , who was staring at her with that perpetual look of lazy mockery on his face .
8 The man now moved his head slightly and looked at Millie ; then , pointing with his forefinger , he said , ‘ Further along the road there 's another gate .
9 Husband paused , cocked his head slightly and peered at George as if he were assessing his artistic value .
10 Bailey inhaled sharply and glanced at Kolchinsky , fully expecting him to reprimand her again .
11 She took the breast well and slept at night without the drops of laudanum with which the nurse had dosed the infant Benjamin when he could not sleep .
12 Pino wriggled flirtatiously and grinned at Constance , who laughed at him .
13 She stopped speaking abruptly and stared at Clare with a look of fixed terror in her eyes .
14 John must have been so angry , I know that now , he 's still angry , John did n't shout at Dad or anything , or throw a tantrum , he just stood there and looked at Dad and realized the other boys would call him a liar and what could he do ? ’
15 ‘ But your father — ’ she leaned forward and whispered at Ellie .
16 He closed the door again and looked at Isabel .
17 Then he sat down in the saddle again and looked at Burun .
18 They opened for a moment , then closed , then opened again and gazed at Marcus 's face .
19 During an earlier effort the whales — which have been trapped within Scapa Flow for almost five weeks — had been shepherded to within a third of a mile of the entrance , but dived again and stayed at Scapa Flow until the later shepherding effort succeeded .
20 He laughed again and waved at Franco who stepped forward to refill their glasses .
21 Erm , yes , as you know I 'm a member of the Essex traffic group and we did state at the time there will be no looking into or no pulling down of any type of property or building , yeah , but it , erm the Council went ahead and looked at Wordsworth Road
22 She took her eyes off the road briefly and glanced at Nicola .
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