Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb past] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She reached inside and turned to Paige .
2 Proceedings were adjourned until July 11 , so that witnesses could be called , but the justices sitting on that date concluded that they had no power to consider the case afresh and proceeded to sentence .
3 She pulled herself together and went to bed .
4 I turned away and said to Miss Kenton :
5 She crumpled it , threw it away and went to bed .
6 Then he turned away and went to sleep and I lay there and wept , feeling an absolute failure ’ .
7 My father threw his calipers away and went to Charlie Hancock the chemist , who made him up a bottle of oil from an old family recipe .
8 Then , before the other could reply , he turned away and nodded to Fenton .
9 With her mother 's reluctant approval , she gave up her easy life ashore and went to sea , a career she was to follow for almost 50 years and which was to bring her lasting fame .
10 Ewen Mackay was still tying up when we nosed gently in to rub shoulders with Stormy Petrel , and Neil jumped ashore and turned to hand me out .
11 When dry the assemblies can now be gauged exactly and planed to width .
12 Erm she was go , on her way to Churk or somewhere and said to Jan would you like to meet for lunch first ?
13 He pushed the pad aside and began to type again .
14 In the event Lord Young backed down further and agreed to March 30 , 1990 .
15 I took a taxi home and went to sleep .
16 I was 19 when I left home and went to university .
17 Oh well I gave them and went home and went to bed .
18 In Nice he got up early and went to Survage 's room and painted until midday , then took a swig of alcohol , made a face and returned to the canvas .
19 They always had money because they left school early and went to work , mainly as builders and labourers .
20 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
21 Izzie never came near or spoke to Gabriel .
22 Ward ordered vodka , drank it straight and went to sleep with *Muerto O Vivo ? open on his lap .
23 We went on past and came to Gate 6 , which was basically a staircase leading to ground level , where the rails were .
24 Arthur and Peggy married later and came to England , living near Box Hill , Surrey .
25 He resigned his post at the Infirmary on the grounds of poor health four years later and moved to Aughton near Ormskirk , where he continued to practise surgery .
26 Well having er carried this appliance nine flights of stairs to the ninth floor of the flat erm my objective was to gain entry into the flat onsh , sorry once the okay was given erm , again the objective was to gain entry into the flat as quickly and as quietly as possible er , by my mistake the equipment was not placed one hundred percent correctly and began to malfunction. er It started to make er a bit of a whirring noise , and a bit of a loud noise and again the objective was to gain entry quickly and quietly .
27 I ran out of the house immediately and came to London to ask for your help .
28 I left Bella a note , came back here and went to bed in the spare room .
29 I shut my eyes then and went to work .
30 Not much doubt he slipped in there and went to earth in the shed , for some purpose of his own .
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