Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [adv] into a " in BNC.

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1 Read through your full speech several times , preferably aloud and preferably into a tape-recorder , but do not try to memorise it word for word .
2 ‘ When somebody is in a situation where they feel there is no way out , feel trapped , lost , unloved , helpless , powerless , they are in a definite negative spiral and are getting deeper and deeper into a place where they are more and more frightened and despairing .
3 And then … as always , Hope could lull himself sooner or later into a mood of self-satisfaction at the prospect of a future rich , secure , free , and attainable …
4 Our supervisors are skilled tradesmen who are being forced more and more into a teaching role without any kind of recompense for it .
5 They were thus driving the wedge further and further into a division of labour from which they were the first to suffer .
6 He half-stumbled out of the room up to his bed and blessed , blessed sleep , where his dreams were a mixture of lobsters with evil intent towards the Prince of Wales , of Charles Dickens teaching him how to catch a pungar , and of Araminta , receding further and further into a boiling sea of mutton broth .
7 With slow wrinkling his stiff face relaxed now and then into a feminine tender smile .
8 The Regent might have decided on a strategic retiral , for instance , to lure Edward northwards or westwards into a position favourable to the Scots , perhaps even as far up Tweed as the Kelso area , where the Warden 's force could be used to help defeat him .
9 The day when Britain 's independent power producers will be able to sell competitively and freely into a European grid as a matter of right would seem to be a long way off , despite the fact that this was all supposed to have been in place by the end of 1992 .
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