Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible — compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14 .
2 ‘ Quite so and your reference to the window gives you the measure of the man . ’
3 The wings advance until they are very much in the shelter of the main mass of the dune , where the sand flow is less and their rate of advance retarded .
4 A third technique is devolution — the separation , except for the ultimate and overriding authority of Parliament , of functions from central government entirely and their vesting in a subordinate authority .
5 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
6 And it 'll be really rather dolly , we 'll have a little holiday you see together and we sort of go teaching together and
7 i ) It is congruent with the traditional fungal taxonomy and with phylogenetic trees of fungi based on nuclear SSUrRNA data : the two pyrenomycetes ( P.anserina and N.crassa ) branch very closely together and their distance to A.nidulans , a representative of the plectomycetes , is shorter than that to S.cerevisiae , belonging to the endomycetes. ii ) The position of P.wickerhamii is unexpectedly closer to S.cerevisiae than to all other ascomycetes , whereas the distance between S.cerevisiae and P.wickerhamii lies in the same range as that between the two ascomycetes , S.cerevisiae and A.nidulans .
8 She had a wonderful sense of period and could adapt an idea brilliantly but her lack of formal design training handicapped her in other ways .
9 But do n't get too carried away or your popularity with your owner may temporarily be lost .
10 They decided Mr Newall was butchered downstairs and his wife in her bedroom .
11 While their criticism of reductionism is just and their emphasis on ‘ downward ’ causation ( mind influencing matter ) timely , it seems to me that the problem of ‘ interactionism ’ largely disappears when the systemic position of information processing in the life of a subjectively aware organism is understood .
12 The mysteries of added entries , subject headings , etc. and their role in the search process will not be solved by adding layers of online instructions and explanations .
13 Solbourne will detail its SPECint 92 ratings for one , four and eight processors as 993 , 3615 and 6442 respectively and its SPECfp as 1215 , 4621 and 8678 also respectively .
14 I lost my accent very quickly and my style of speech which betrayed a cross-fertilization of three cultures — Chinese , Malay and Indian .
15 I lost my part yesterday and my place in the company .
16 Still only 24 , he was currently campaigning in the Low Countries , but once the allied army on the Continent had gone into winter quarters he was brought home and his arrival in England , on 19 October , caused morale to soar .
17 could eat him , I went down me mate 's Saturday , cos I come home and I sort of was coming towards the end of the week and just did a farewell dinner for dad on the Sunday and we all went to mum 's
18 It was partly because he was tired and unhappy , leaving home and our mother for the first time … ’
19 Throughout , Moran did not attempt to influence Sheila directly but his withdrawal of support was total .
20 She placed the pot between her legs , knees drawn up , then pulled her skirts down carefully and her cloak on top of it all .
21 The immediate political problem for Whitehall and Westminster is what should be done when the value of the pound sterling falls internationally and our subscription to CERN and other organisations goes up accordingly .
22 And a joke doing the rounds in various parts of the Reich had a Berliner complaining about the severity of a raid which caused all the glass to fall out of window-frames as much as five hours later and his partner from Essen retorting that that was nothing at all : pictures of the Führer were still flying out of the window fourteen days after the last attack on Essen .
23 In this way , the proposition is focused a little more clearly and its dependence on contextual support decreases accordingly .
24 If we presuppose in practice what is true in fact , then our faith in God is focussed clearly and our picture of God is true — that is , it allows God to be God .
25 When the path narrowed , we had to proceed in single file , and I found myself leading the way , with my aunt following closely behind and my father behind her .
26 Yeah and you er I ov I overslept , well I woke up at five and normally I think if I go to sleep now and I sort of get myself awake but today I must of turned over
27 Cameron shuddered inwardly , remembering his vision of the evening before and his exchange with the masons just now .
28 Be be because you know it , it really is , it 's erm er it is sort of really we see it as sort of part of the confirmation programme really and your involvement in it , and it 's all sort of quite erm special to confirmation so it would be nice if you could be involved .
29 He had notched up 65 shots on this round so far and his total for the tournament was already 272 .
30 He scored 12 goals in eight pre-season games but has not netted in the Premiership so far and his partnership with David Hirst has been deeply disappointing .
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