Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing is worse than feeling screwed up inside or suffering from a sense of utter emptiness and loss of interest or emotion .
2 Then as you start to make the point you 'll find your hands will come up naturally and bend from the elbows it sounds crazy to say but if if you suddenly go coo I 've got everything in me pocket but
3 In this time , in the eleventh century , the Byzantine Empire flourished exceedingly and extended from the Euphrates to the Danube .
4 The plaintiff was born prematurely and suffered from an oxygen deficiency .
5 Take some of the favourite things that your child likes , mix them together and serve from a warm pot with a ladle .
6 But in another experiment 50 two-ton concrete slabs are to be chained together and dumped from a huge tilting steel platform about 6,750 ft above sea level .
7 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
8 For a moment that bordered on eternity , Fran stared at the throbbing centre of her hand , then snatched it away and scrambled from the car , uncaring what interpretation he put on her haste .
9 The right side gets busy too soon and turns from the top of the backswing .
10 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
11 Parliament could not have intended paragraph ( b ) to produce new substantive rights in respect of registered land , enabling registered dispositions to be set aside and removed from the register in circumstances where , if the land had not been registered , no cause of action would have existed .
12 She knew something , though not all , of his day 's programme : she 'd rung The Randolph at 10.45 p.m. and learned from the tour leader that her husband had not turned up at any point during the day to fulfil his commitments — and that in itself was quite out of character .
13 The sort of dancing where you hold your body straight and move from the knees .
14 It was quite a sight to see the poor ladies who accompanied her , some of them quite stout , being pushed from behind or dragged from the front over these obstacles while the Empress laughed like a child to see their stricken faces and the piteous condition of their coiffures .
15 They were all on their feet now and running from the kitchen , the two women following Frank through the garden , through the woodland and so into the house .
16 A haze of water vapour hung overhead and dripped from the underside of the mushrooms , making the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on .
17 If the cutting edge digs in then stop immediately and cut from the other direction , or there may be danger of a piece splitting away .
18 There is very little waste paper and no plastic , for foodstuffs are not pre-packaged here but sold from a farmer 's barrow or the back of a bike .
19 There is a similar air of gloom in a conversation which Ronald Duncan has recorded ; Duncan suggested that he might use some of the prize money to go abroad and escape from the London winter .
20 He stood up then and walked from the room without so much as a backward glance .
21 Then he released her abruptly and strode from the room .
22 Should the Slater Foundation accept , then , that it has performed a function in goading the LTA forward and retire from the arena and let them get on with it ?
23 Basingstoke came back again and scored from a scrum .
24 It would be a tragedy for the aircraft preservation and restoration movement as a whole if it were all scrapped , and so it is with great sadness that after a great deal of thought they are agreed ( having been partners both in business and as husband and wife ) that the time has come to take life a bit easier and retire from the business .
25 He had been invited either to refute the allegations publicly or to withdraw from the elections , and reportedly chose to take the second option .
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