Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One is to say that there are subtle differences which explain alleged inconsistencies , as for example between banning experiments altogether or after 14 days yet allowing later abortions .
2 Long years ago , we made a tryst with destiny , and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge , not wholly or in full measure , but very substantially .
3 A large majority of residents in all areas of the borough worked locally or within easy reach of East London .
4 Treaty if they arose expressly or by necessary implication .
5 ‘ under English law , a convicted prisoner , in spite of his imprisonment , retains all civil rights which are not taken away expressly or by necessary implication
6 Thus , there is no authority to make rules modifying fiduciary rights and obligations unless the enabling statute , here the FSA , gives it expressly or by necessary implication .
7 M All provisions of this agreement which are not expressly or by necessary implication to merge and be extinguished in the transfer hereunder shall continue in full force and effect after completion .
8 1184 is to be read as an authority requiring that the position of principal and agent must be created either expressly or by ostensible authority between the creditor and the debtor , as a necessary ingredient to affect the principal with the malefactions of the debtor , the decision in Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon did not require such a conclusion .
9 Judicial review is the process by which the courts decide whether public bodies have acted within or beyond those powers .
10 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
11 This may range from small areas of earthworks within or at one end of a settlement , to large areas of earthworks with only a few farms and cottages in use today .
12 Whether the payment is made within or after fourteen days of service , if the plaintiff elects to accept the sum he must within 21 days after receipt by him of the notice of payment into court or , if the notice is received less than three days before the return day , then before the hearing of the action begins , give notice of his acceptance to the court and to every other party ( Ord 11 , r 3(1) ) .
13 When bFGF was administered subcutaneously or by intragastric route in a dose of 100 µg/kg , there was no significant change in the ethanol induced gastric lesions .
14 Other musicians may have enjoyed greater financial reward playing this music , but nobody has done it better or with greater flexibility .
15 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
16 For the belief that ‘ there is no occasion too small ’ is naturally at home in a society that resists any ranking of certain human and civic occasions below or above certain others .
17 If you are below or above these measurements , your build tends towards one end or other of the average frame size .
18 Mr Crawley , one of the plaintiffs and ‘ moving spirit behind both groups of companies ’ , agreed to settle the bills either personally or with some associates .
19 Seen in feudal terms , the Crusades were a defence of the Lord 's rights to which , in all loyalty , all Christians should contribute , either personally or in other ways .
20 In some countries Marxists have come to power either constitutionally or through nationalist liberation movements as opposed to revolution .
21 And his adviser said well Mr President you did say we should get rid of the missiles in Turkey but you did n't say when you know , you did n't say by Tuesday morning at ten o'clock or by next week or in three months ' time , you just said withdraw the missiles from Turkey .
22 The modules can be offered as free standing courses , or linked together or with other modules in integrated programmes .
23 Whispering is most effective , with the voices either all together or in various parts .
24 details of how the school organises the teaching of children of different ages and abilities , together or in separate groups ( either generally or in particular subjects ) and requirements regarding homework ;
25 This possibility can best be studied by examining twins growing up together or in different homes .
26 Unfortunately most of the group were unable to exercise this right due to factors such as the hostile physical environment outside the centres , lack of resources — either money or essential mobility aids , such as electric wheelchairs — or parental overprotectiveness : some of the group were not allowed to go out alone or with disabled peers when at home .
27 He remained a very private individual during his twelve years at the top , rarely venturing into society and always preferring a quiet dinner alone or with chosen friends to an elaborate occasion .
28 These usually circular or oval grass covered wall foundations occur all over the island and vary in size from about ten feet to forty feet in diameter and can be found alone or in small groups .
29 ‘ There is a dishonest appropriation for the purposes of the Theft Act 1968 where by the substitution of a price label showing a lesser price on goods for one showing a greater price , a defendant either by that act alone or by that act in conjunction with another act or other acts ( whether done before or after the substitution of the labels ) adversely interferes with or usurps the right of the owner to ensure that the goods concerned are sold and paid for at that greater price .
30 IAT 's Air Tournament International 92 is being held at the A&AEE Boscombe Down on the 13th and 14th , and promises more than 400 aircraft taking part statically and in each day 's eight-hour flying display .
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