Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [adj] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And you will go around er using this to show people well I 've sold that and that 's mister so and so or that 's such and such business that 's gone so that you can show people that you 've actually sold these .
2 The foot turned outwards and that was that .
3 Brownie camps are held annually and these are last for several days .
4 The sufferer 's disease gets back into " the driving seat " and he or she comes to believe that life can be managed alone and that is questionable , despite all previous evidence , whether he or she truly has addictive disease after all .
5 so and that was all I 've got to say .
6 Erm From there to there let's make it er Okay that 's a hundred and sixty , that 's a hundred and sixty , that 's a hundred and sixty That 's seven o'clock and that 's five o'clock , three o'clock and that 's one o'clock .
7 Erm From there to there let's make it er Okay that 's a hundred and sixty , that 's a hundred and sixty , that 's a hundred and sixty That 's seven o'clock and that 's five o'clock , three o'clock and that 's one o'clock .
8 Their name is derived from the ‘ all quiet ’ or ‘ all 's well , cry ( ‘ sereno ’ ) that the men used to give after calling the hours , just like our old English tradition — ‘ Two o'clock and all 's well ’ — which has unfortunately died out .
9 A collective resolution of this sort of worry was at one time to employ someone to patrol the streets all night , calling out " Three o'clock and all 's well ! " or whatever , at regular intervals , providing reassurance to the sleeping citizens in their beds and even more so to any insomniacs .
10 But on the other hand they 're not having to deal so much with another executor there is n't there has n't got to be so much to and fro correspondence and therefore the workload will be somewhat less and that 's likely to balance the extra responsibility element .
11 With the Clinton administration under the intensive care of political healer David Gergen , less and less is clear about the fate of health-care reform .
12 We are sleeping together and that is good , too .
13 We are together and that is all that matters for now . ’
14 ‘ I said we lived together and that is true , not as lovers , though .
15 And better but that was another story .
16 Nor have I come upon any factor to prove the truth of another assumption which may be made : to wit , that Subject A was the mother of Subject B. Experience and probability point to this being so but that is all .
17 We 'll take them out and throw them away and that 's all within the maker of the er , of the wings , er take them out , throw them away , er take the bumper off , throw that away , right , get a new number plate , a new bumper right cos the bumper 's got to come off anyway with the wings
18 The head was away and that was dreadful because he was one of the few people that knew what was going on because the community adviser told him that home/school links was an area that we should think about ; that is the school .
19 ‘ I do n't think you could honestly say it was going well just now , but it will do soon and that 's all that matters . ’
20 We won the match fair and square and that 's all there is to it . ’
21 that 's it exactly and that 's crazy
22 okay , supposedly she claims that he hit her and winded her and she screamed after she was winded , yeah , which is an impossibility anyway but that 's okay
23 No she does n't live with us but she does live locally and that was one of the reasons for being here because it 's a little bit easier to get to her .
24 The other two had measured 39 inches and 39½ inches respectively and both were delighted to have reduced their bust size .
25 The time was approximately 12.30am and all was quiet when suddenly the door handle rattled .
26 Children who know the meaning of more or of both more and less are careful to distinguish them from each other and from nonsense words introduced in the same setting .
27 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
28 erm My Lord there is one other matter erm , which we invite your Lordship to deal with now erm , a at this point before the case proceeds further and that is this .
29 OK : one more when we get home and that 's all before bedtime , he thought , facing the fact that bedtime was probably all too literally what she had in mind .
30 I 've only met kennel cough once and that was last year , when a dog belonging to a friend caught it after having been boarded out when she had to go away for a few weeks .
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