Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] [verb] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 Quite suddenly Tweed pulled in at the kerb before they reached the hotel .
2 Inevitably Shabba turned up at Music Works , the studio that ruled Jamaica in 1988 –'89,; and there producer Gussie Clarke cut Shabba on some of the best records of the era : the lighthearted ‘ Twice My Age ’ with Krystal , and ‘ Pirate 's Anthem ’ , reuniting him with Cocoa Tea and Home T.
3 Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter 's shop .
4 Well Nat woke up at , half past one , she was awake then all night she kept coming in
5 Then Adams hit out at the dismissal of defenceman Mike Ware , saying : ‘ We 're told Mike went for a Fife player — he never hit him .
6 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
7 Karr and Chen looked at each other , some sign of understanding passing between them , then Karr looked back at Haavikko .
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