Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] move [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So Richard moved on to Limoges and there he was again proclaimed Duke in a ceremony witnessed by the Limousin chronicler Geoffrey-of Vigeois , who at that date was one of the monks of St Martial 's .
2 Inexorably Rose moved on through the entremets and coffee , sending eight people scurrying in all directions as he masterminded the performance , the objects of which were far from clear to Auguste .
3 A minute later Payton moved on to a sloppy Jobling pass and shot into the side netting as fans jumped to their feet in anticipation of a goal .
4 Restlessly Leith moved over to the window , but while the view from her room was quite exquisite , she saw nothing of it and could see only Naylor 's furious face as he accused her of leading Travis on .
5 Two years later Moyra moved on to North DEVON where she attracted new members by giving displays , the most challenging ( for performers ) being at the village fete in a field of long grass which hid numerous rabbit holes ( among other things ) … still nothing ventured nothing gained !
6 Presently Wexford moved over to her and touched her shoulder .
7 Obligingly Merrill moved out of their way , but not before she heard one of them say , ‘ We 'd better get this right , and quickly , but no cutting corners .
8 Then Travis moved on to his back , drawing her with him to rest her head in the angle of his shoulder .
9 Jenny went on quickly and then Sara moved out of hearing .
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