Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] it 's just " in BNC.

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1 My family were n't wealthy , could n't have afforded to send me away till it was over , could n't have kept it secret , so perhaps it 's just as well it turned out as it did .
2 So so it 's just the minus K.
3 As one pupil succinctly put it ‘ you then treat them without any respect because they do n't give you any , so really it 's just a two-way thing ’ .
4 So really it 's just a matter of
5 So then it 's just a matter of waiting to get a good take , and if you do n't do it by take three , you do n't have any business doing it .
6 Right okay so again it 's just a simple idea that shows you an awful lot how long would it take to put that back together ?
7 So again it 's just thinking about the eyes the eye the beginning .
8 That side so okay it 's just
9 Oh right , right , just so it 's just mum and dad we 're .
10 But just now it 's just the way I want it .
11 Once again it 's just superb hearing it booming from those religious-like boxes that we all pray to at the weekends .
12 Once again it 's just a release of tension , ’ says Dr Lewis .
13 Right now it 's just about the most serious little piss-pot of a frog pox-factory in the whole world . ’
14 mhm And I suppose in the old days if you actually wanted to know which books were popular and which books were not used at all , you had to a library and to painstakingly look through the shelves , perhaps , and look at the date stamps or something like that , whereas now presumably it 's just a question of pressing a few buttons and the information comes .
15 Right well it 's just two minutes three minutes past eight o'clock and erm I welcome you all to this hustings meeting of Greater Manchester West Liberal Democrats .
16 Now , well now it 's just now we 've got nobody who , who score actually really scores goals except Thomas I would say at the moment .
17 Erm well really it 's just what I said , it 's er roughly speaking it 's when er a string of words does n't have the meaning you 'd expect on the basis of the standard semantics of the language , but rather has a fixed different meaning and whenever there 's any apparent structure in it , I E several words , er , their , their normal meanings are irrelevant which is the meaning of the whole phrase .
18 If we 're really so bad and so thick that we 'd actually use all those wonderful H-bombs and Neutron bombs on each other , then maybe it 's just as well we do wipe ourselves out before we can get into space and start doing horrible things to other races . ’
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