Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] it [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Rather ingenuously it appears that , with the liberation of Paris , the French in Vietnam asked for Japanese permission to celebrate the event ; and it must have been obvious to the Japanese , too , that the uneasy but de facto alignment between them and the French was liable to break down sooner or later .
2 Most obviously it means that the ‘ birds ’ sang at a previous moment in time but it could also mean the time of year , the time of the poet 's life , and most strikingly , it could be another word connected with death .
3 On the uppermost landing , flanked by warders , stood a tall , powerfully-built figure in a dark blue suit , his greying hair slicked back so severely it appeared that he was bald .
4 So far it appears that other monuments in care have not been affected , although Mousa Broch has yet to be visited .
5 Just as the regime had decided , by 1859 , to make land available to serfs ( not merely to emancipate them ) , so now it grasped that strengthening the centre 's authority in the countryside ran counter to the policy of increasing the freedom of its subjects .
6 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
7 NOT SO LONG AGO it seemed that we had very nearly lost our fairy tale beasts .
8 Even more importantly it showed that millions of electors could be made to take a stand in favour of the League of Nations , towards which many Conservatives were cynical or even hostile .
9 But more frequently it arose that , in the absence of a policewoman , the female field-worker was relied upon for comfort by female members of the public , engaging her in eye contact to find what they expected would be a special ‘ feminine ’ understanding and reassurance .
10 Bossard was sentenced to 21 years ' imprisonment and once again it seems that the Russians were willing to sacrifice an agent , probably because Bossard had given them all the details he could of the American rocket-guidance systems , in order to enhance the credibility of Top Hat so that he could continue peddling disinformation .
11 Once again it seems that the consequences of the death on family life , rather than the direct effects of the loss , may be crucial .
12 Here also it appears that sub-sales are taken into account more readily than in the case of non-delivery .
13 Even then it ensured that there would be emasculating exemptions .
14 But here again it appears that poor Michael was , shall we say , not fully briefed .
15 Exactly the same issues arise in relation to the task of spelling non-words to dictation , and here again it appears that this not done solely by phoneme-grapheme rules , but that some role is played by units larger than the grapheme ( Campbell , 1983 ) .
16 Quite frequently it happens that mystics are deeply influenced by philosophy , even though they tend to decry ‘ the meddling intellect ’ .
17 Almost certainly it felt that its position was still too weak .
18 I did n't lose consciousness , but pretty soon it dawned that I was in a lot of pain . ’
19 They had met just three months ago , yet now it seemed that the whole of her life had been crammed into those few fleeting weeks ; as if her living had had no meaning before they met and her future would have no substance if ever he left her .
20 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
21 It may go wider than this , but at the very least it shows that we must be cautious about blaming the draftsman .
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