Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb infin] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although many patients are quite fit when admitted to the ward , they will become completely dependent when they have an anaesthetic and may only slowly return to independence after a surgical procedure .
2 Both the American and British missile programmes owed much to German wartime work on their V-1s and V-2s , which did so much damage to London , Antwerp and Paris during the closing stages of the Second World War .
3 He used to tell me I was going to fail but I did so much work at home it was my best subject .
4 I do n't know how long I 'll be — you 'd much better get off home . ’
5 ‘ Well , if you did n't put it under my door yourself , maybe you 'd better just check with Reception downstairs . ’
6 He had begun to feel that Carrie was really growing to love him , and having borne him his first child the future had seemed so promising , but now today he had been reminded that everything he had hoped and prayed for could so easily crumble into dust .
7 Why bother , when we could so easily pay in cash ?
8 In two further cases the role intention plays is the same sort of interpretative role which it can so easily assume in legacies : to consider what meaning the testator attached to the words he used ; or what his intention was in imposing a modality on a disposition .
9 Do not pile up plates or saucepans higgledy - piggledy on a high shelf , where they can so easily fall on top of you when you reach up for something .
10 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
11 now can we look Mr at the print below the table , costs , questions and answers we find that many people considering purchasing a apartment have similar questions can I ask you this , would you personally ever deal with people who were considering purchasing a apartment ?
12 In this context , therefore , evaluation can only legitimately focus on processes .
13 Stockbrokers , particularly those offering a cut-price service , will generally only deal with proof of ownership , such as letters of allocation .
14 Special circumstances are required to justify the er proposing the new settlement through the local plan structure planning process , and I believe that is exactly what has occurred over the last five years , and if I could just quickly run through paragraph thirty three of P P G three , and the your invitation for us to comment on the criteria set out there , first of all the first element , the ex the alternative must be erm seen to be a less satisfactory method of providing land for the new housing that is needed , that is the essence of what has occurred in the process which the County Council has undertaken over the last couple of years , all of the policy options available have been examined in great detail , have been subject to public consultation , public participation , d I believe clear view was that there were erm constraints operating on York which meant that not all of that additional development accommodated in the adjacent to the existing er York city villages surrounding York .
15 The German submarine offensive was at its height ; Italy was unable to make progress against Austria ; and Russia , on the point of collapse , would shortly unilaterally sue for peace .
16 If the buildings insurance on the property you buy is tied by a lease ( this will usually only apply to flats ) additional buildings insurance may not be required .
17 Sugar and fat are also frowned on in the report because they can more easily lead to obesity than some other foods .
18 Unlike more organised writers he might perhaps more easily fall into contradiction , but it seems more likely , or at least more satisfactory , to suppose that Coleridge was fashioned greatly by his environment when writing .
19 Failing this , he threatened that the MBR would once more resort to arms .
20 In such circumstances , the policeman could perhaps more appropriately proceed under sections 4 or 5 of the Act .
21 Dutoit is remarkably successful at avoiding the Hollywood cinematic style , so that the 1940s nostalgia endemic in , say , the unforgettable saxophone second subject of ( i ) , is sounded with a purity and sense of line which one would more readily associate with Ravel than Rachmaninov — yet , by golly it works !
22 In other exercises , the goal was to reduce the variety of link types so that visual inspection of the semantic net would more readily lead to recognition of repeating patterns .
23 The route this year will once again start from Bournemouth Pier , run along the promenade up to Hengistbury Head , before leaving the line of the sea as it heads up the scenic cliff tops and down to Boscombe Pier .
24 Bridget Ewing has indicated her willingness to once again stand for re-election ; however if there are any nominations for this position will you please send them in to Hilda at the Office by 2nd April or as time is short and you know of anyone who would like to be proposed — please ring Hilda with her name BUT this must be followed up with written confirmation .
25 When completed , steam trains will once again operate between Bolton Street and Heywood Station independent of British Rail .
26 Nevertheless , you should once again proceed with caution if you wish to make any claims on the basis that you have been dismissed .
27 Neither will sit side by side with Sinn Fein because they do not concede the right of anyone to bomb their way to the conference table and they fear that , if the talks hit problems , Sinn Fein would once again resort to violence to get its way .
28 Can ever again move from shelter .
29 The literariness of poetic rhythm , for example , can not necessarily be ascribed to mere rhythm , but will more likely derive from disruption of the rhythm .
30 Werking concluded that ‘ It is reasonable to assume that some research may now more satisfactorily come to terms with library use and its relation to bibliographic education ’ .
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