Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] by those " in BNC.

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1 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
2 The redating of many major groups in publication prior to 1960 , would be a considerable undertaking , but the time may have to come when this should be considered seriously , though the rather tentative suggestions made in the CBA Student 's Guide ( Webster , 1970 ) do not go very far in meeting this need , so badly felt by those now beginning in this study .
3 Nor are the expectations of neighbouring necessarily mutually understood by those living beside each other .
4 She 'd only been angry because she 'd been so unaccountably shaken by those few seconds in his arms .
5 These are so often fastened by those who , in the name of love , secure our chains daily in case we have any notions of escape .
6 The anthropologist 's appetite for information and his curiosity are boundless , and he is naturally particularly attracted by those avenues of inquiry where the answers come hard , suggesting that he has touched on a sensitive and hence significant vein .
7 Indirect Rule had far more ideological content than the Punjab creed : it was found necessary ceaselessly to draw attention — perhaps because it was a principle coming to be so explicitly disputed by those to whom it was applied — to the long and careful weaning required for the native to shed his primitive mode of thinking and adopt successfully the ways of the modern world .
8 Now that the little spot of reality I 'd made in this mean city has been so lightly abandoned by those I 'd thought it would be safe with — but you wo n't catch me compromising with the lackeys .
9 [ Mond is said to have complained , away back in the 1880s , that his company was n't concentrating on chemistry any more but on making money , a complaint perhaps most easily made by those who have already acquired as much money as they can reasonable need . ]
10 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
11 Abundance thus rapidly acquired by those who were ignorant of its proper application hastened the progress of luxury and licentiousness , and the lower orders were almost universally corrupted by profusion and depravity scarcely to be credited by those who are strangers to our district .
12 All this actually amounts to , however , is the existing EMS ( once so resisted by those converts ) , after capital controls are finally gone , as long planned for next year .
13 Big coins would be more easily recovered by those who lost them than smaller ones .
14 It is also useful to have an archaeologist examine the area while construction work is going on since archaeological remains are not always easily recognized by those concerned with construction .
15 Overall , the discipline in the UK has become more heavily dominated by those who espouse sociology 's political role .
16 Charles was described as temperate in his consumption of both food and drink ( in an age and culture where gluttony and heavy drinking were often regularly practised by those who could afford it ) , and particularly careful when it came to alcohol .
17 The threat to the ‘ young ’ mentioned here by the then Home Secretary was probably the fear most frequently expressed by those who later resisted legislative change in this area .
18 The discontent with Rome had at last resulted in rebellions of slaves and of the lower classes , indirectly or even directly supported by those who at the two opposite corners of the Roman Empire were trying to defend their own independence , the Spanish tribes and Mithridates , king of Pontus .
19 Reagan 's notoriously detached style of management made high-quality staff essential , and in his first term he appears to have been particularly well served by those responsible for ushering his economic policy proposals through congress .
20 The accusation of " Catch 22 " is most commonly made by those who do not accept the disease concept and who may themselves be working professionally in the field of addictive disease , commonly believing in the psycho-social model of the cause of and treatment for addiction .
21 It was this sort of situation the Agency committee had in mind in justifying its activities because ‘ provincial associations have become inert and inefficient ’ with the result that local groups concluded ‘ their own individual exertions were too little sustained by those of similar bodies elsewhere to be of real utility ’ .
22 THE Belfast Telegraph 's contribution to the debate on smoking — in the form of two major articles prior to No Smoking Day — was very much appreciated by those of us working towards a healthier community .
23 Similarly , when Mill tries to explain how we can decide which is qualitatively the better of two pleasures , his actual answer is more or less that the higher pleasure is the one which is actually more liked by those in a position to compare them .
24 His report is very carefully noted by those in charge of the boy 's training .
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