Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] by their " in BNC.

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1 But the concept of the fiduciary duty said to be owed by the GLC to its rate payers was most widely emphasized by their Lordships .
2 Few travel or motoring correspondents would wish to be overly critical of the holiday or car so lavishly provided by their respective sponsors .
3 But , are they now being blamed for pollution only partly caused by their activities ?
4 Wonderful as many of them are , it should still be more widely stressed by doctors that the health of human beings is so often determined by their behaviour , their food and the nature of their environment .
5 Ironically this transformation was in no small degree the consequence of the increasing technicality of the law to which the clerical judges themselves had so fertilely contributed by their advice , judgements and writings ; it had now become necessary to recruit judges from those who had served their apprenticeship pleading in the courts and had perhaps sought instruction from the law lectures and books which were then being provided .
6 Miss Picon and her husband were so profoundly affected by their experiences that for a long time after their return to New York they were unable to work .
7 It is hardly surprising that the Indonesians have been so profoundly affected by their kinetic environment , for theirs is the most tectonic nation on earth , boasting some 34 per cent of all the world 's active volcanoes , and registering an average of three earthquakes a day measuring over 5 on the Richter scale .
8 Labouring poets are thus strictly defined by their handicaps .
9 They are more fundamentally divided by their disparate conceptions of the human individual — a fact which lies at the heart of their views of explanation .
10 Many traditional caste occupations , such as cinnamon peeler , washerman , toddy tapper , fisherman and blacksmith , were still largely performed by their respective castes .
11 After a day which saw United 's chances once again undermined by their inability to score , Richardson believes Villa showed just why they are capable of putting up a genuine challenge .
12 Obtaining a representative sample of children to study in early 1940 was well nigh impossible : were those children who remained in billets in February 1940 a tiny minority who had enjoyed the evacuation experience , who liked country life , who had kindly hosts , who did not suffer homesickness , or who were being exceptionally well fed by their hosts ?
13 Two miles to the north-west of this village near Redruth in the desolate former tin-mining region of Cornwall is Gwennap Pit which , although not exactly an industrial monument , has great significance in the social history of the local tinners , who were often ruthlessly exploited by their employers and were obvious targets for the message of Nonconformism .
14 The contribution made by these visitors to the atmosphere and overall success of the day is considerable — for many of them , it is their first taste of the life now fully adopted by their sons , brothers and boyfriends who are now on parade .
15 This is most graphically illustrated by their co-operation in time of war , and despite Marxist faith in the common interests of the proletariat of all nations , time and again national loyalties have proved stronger than those of class .
16 By remaining intensely , almost pleasurably absorbed by their intractability , woman-centred psychology often helps sustain them in their present state .
17 Dealers , sometimes surreptitiously encouraged by their firms , would go to great lengths to extract information from employees of rival firms .
18 In time , however , he introduced modifications which overcame most of the problems , and his engines became quite well liked by their drivers and firemen .
19 Wordsworth , Coleridge and Dorothy have been too much revered by their admirers , and their common humanity played down .
20 They will know of patients likely to die in the near future and of patients recently permanently handicapped by their illness or injury .
21 With respect to unhygienic conditions , cells are too often soiled by their inmates .
22 ‘ The Labour party were very sorely wounded by their first public defeat and ran a campaign claiming most people were in favour of the project , ’ he added .
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