Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The act may have been intended as a " final measure " by those who wished to steady things , but the flow of politics is rarely so easily contained by the comma of a constitutional concession .
2 It is in fact only rarely openly acknowledged by other anthropologists , though the blanket rejection of evolution which is to be found in the work of many seems to imply .
3 Small panels of bold , simple very low relief are perhaps most easily carved by hand , but on other work time savings of over 90 per cent can be achieved ; 75 per cent is a reasonable average .
4 [ Mond is said to have complained , away back in the 1880s , that his company was n't concentrating on chemistry any more but on making money , a complaint perhaps most easily made by those who have already acquired as much money as they can reasonable need . ]
5 The ideological bankruptcy of the Communists is perhaps most graphically conveyed by quotation of a comment by Soviet Latin Americanist Anatoli Shul'govskii to the effect that in 1945 the Mexican Communist party had a ‘ Marxist ’ ideology comparable to the ‘ legal Marxism ’ of tsarist Russia ( Löwy : 1982 , p. 37 ) .
6 Strange , unstable orders of reading are perhaps most startlingly introduced by B.S. Johnson .
7 And how would such an affixation cope with the evident fact that the techniques , modes of expression and performers claimed by the counterculture as their own were apparently so easily appropriated by the established music industry interests , and the music spread into every social corner and function ?
8 Now Hungarian poetry may begin to change towards a poetry which is more autonomous , more self-subsistent with its own themes and materials , not necessarily so directly structured by our political situation .
9 Well may Dr Rentoul claim that the health of the woman is our greatest natural asset , that the physically and mentally healthy woman has been so ruthlessly , so brutally , so generally mercilessly exploited by the male as women …
10 Automatic accruer is perhaps more commonly used by professional partnerships ( and has the practical advantage of not being dependent upon compliance with a prescribed timetable ) but there is considerable uncertainty as to whether such an arrangement should be regarded as a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the partnership share so as to take its value outside the scope of business property relief for the purposes of Inheritance Tax ( see Chapter 10 ) .
11 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
12 It is very rarely the case in real life that we can predict in detail the form and content of the language which we will encounter , but , given all of the ethnographic information we have specified , the actual occurring utterance is much more likely ( hence , we assume , much more readily processed by the addressee ) than any of the following ‘ utterances ’ which did not occur :
13 This represents a clear overlap with the concerns of Weber , although this later aspect of the approach is much more poorly developed by Simmel .
14 The top whorls turn reddish-brown and the stem much more densely covered by the whorls than the other Myriophyllum species .
15 Terror , counter-terror , torture , and the absolute necessity of violence ( later much more clumsily explored by Leone in A Fistful Of Dynamite ) are relentlessly portrayed , all to Ennio Morricone 's least flowery score ever .
16 The period of greater stability — the ‘ mid-Victorian equipoise ’ which followed has been somewhat more adequately mapped by research than the upheavals that went before ( see , for example , Bailey 1978 ; 1986a ; Brat ton 1986 ; D. Russell 1987 ; Scott 1989 ) .
17 This was apparently reasonably well received by the offenders involved , as even this basic standard of education would be sufficient to improve considerably their potential for employment and thus for higher earnings after their release .
18 So far much hampered by lack of money and staff about 1.5 million catalogue entries have been completed and 2,665,000 photographs produced .
19 The control of Parliament is perhaps even better illustrated by the fact that few pieces of legislation have been lost in the Commons in the ten years since Mrs Thatcher became prime minister — the Shops Bill comes to mind , but there is talk of its reintroduction in a future session .
20 And the effect on a disintegrating social order of a generation for whom guaranteed employment seems a figment of their parents ' flawed imagination has been only too luridly illustrated by the rises in crime and homelessness .
21 We are all perhaps very much formed by our inheritance .
22 No system is perfect but the glaring defects of the British system of misrepresentation are all too well demonstrated by the looming constitutional crisis in Scotland .
23 The emotions give warmth and feeling , but through them factual perception and logic are all too easily ruled by imagination .
24 He 'd probably dismissed her altogether by now as fickle , shallow and all too easily swayed by other people .
25 The reviews of A Very British Coup and Distant Voices , Still Lives have shown how this gap in left criticism was all too easily filled by the ideas and discourse of the mainstream .
26 With a visit from a Government safety inspector likely only once in five years , the safety/cost conflict is all too easily settled by sacrificing safety to the god of profit .
27 An insight into the workings of the learned profession of a kind all too rarely offered by the early sources is to be found in an anecdote concerning the appointment of Kemalpasazade to his first post .
28 While this reform is specifically designed to prevent many of today 's disgruntled education consumers joining the ranks of tomorrow 's underclass , it will of course have implications for a much wider group of young people , whose talents and needs have been all too little met by the emphasis on the reorganization of secondary education to the exclusion of all other considerations .
29 On August 2nd the new Prime Minister returned from Potsdam with all too little settled by the Big Three and completed the formation of his Government .
30 If one asks the further question , were the King 's actions wise ? , one 's answer is likely to be all too heavily conditioned by hindsight , by the views one takes of the later politics of the 1930s , of the restoration of a two-party system , and of the decline of the Liberal Party .
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