Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [be] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Systematic comparative analysis of management strategies in industrial relations has only recently begun , the major work so far being Gospel and Littler ( 1983 ) which relates to the inter-war period .
2 It followed , too , from the assumptions that the British made about the Masai 's conservatism , it appearing self-evident to them that because the Masai were so conspicuously uninterested in Western civilization they were in all respects content with the status quo ; so closely were Westernization and agitation linked in the administrative mind .
3 Right now what I shall do before you go any further is divide that at the side here , what those and minutes are as decimals of an hour
4 Raschid who is here today was President and I attended with my own Table Chairman at that time David who not only encouraged me to attend my first A G M but encouraged me to get involved involved in ri in Round Table right from the very onset .
5 ‘ The one and only thing you share ultimately together is sex and if you step outside your marriage you are sharing that one ultimate thing with another body another person , ’ Claudette tells him .
6 Indeed the parties may in any event no longer be husband and wife .
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