Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right right look at the pictures then do n't okay stop thinking of hydrochloric acid , think of H C L.
2 Once again , there is no requirement that any evidence than that which grounded the original ‘ reasonable suspicion ’ should actually exist — and we have already seen that this formula is sometimes rather loosely interpreted at the arrest stage .
3 He noted that most progress had been made by firms which were the most highly geared at the onset of recession .
4 Erm right so looking at the details of those , right what we 've , what we 're actually saying then is that if erm you , you would want to provide that income or want to make sure that that , that income was available should you die tomorrow ?
5 The very impurity which the radical humanist seeks to transcend , only despairingly to rediscover at the very centre of his or her being — this impurity , for the fantasies of transgressive reinscription , is not the ground of its failure but the material upon which it works .
6 Such a condition leads to a degraded cliff , one that is principally the product of subaerial erosion and only locally sharpened at the base by marine erosion .
7 The committee of inquiry , composed of individuals with impressive antiracist credentials — Ian Macdonald , Gus John , Reena Bhavnani , Lily Khan — delivered a strong and , for some , an astonishing condemnation of the antiracist policies apparently vigorously pursued at the school , castigating them as doctrinaire , divisive , ineffectual and counterproductive .
8 He has enlisted Government help and interest in the RCA ; he has raised money for the renovations so badly needed at the college , and for building additional accommodation nearby for students .
9 Whereas-it was common in their own time for the Teddy Boys to be contrasted with a nostalgically remembered state of pre-existing harmony ‘ twenty years ago ’ or ‘ before the war ’ , given the real horror which greeted their arrival we can perhaps only marvel at the way in which the nostalgic trick of amnesia can now work in the Teds ' favour .
10 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
11 Harrods , Boots and many large department stores offer free make-up consultations so just ask at the counter .
12 He 's certainly saying I find a pattern here because he 's using it , as his pattern to understand and I only just said at the beginning what the , makes the Jews Jewish , what gave them their national character and their , their ethnic identity .
13 The contrast between gas-rich and gas-poor magmas is much more pronounced at the viscous granitic end of the scale .
14 So always look at the front of the pack first to choose the right SPF .
15 Customarily , the authority is only usually involved at the final stages when approval to go ahead is required .
16 But by then she was so inwardly tense at the deception which through love and loyalty she had to perform that she barely noticed the grand buildings as she drove up out of the valley to where the town ended and a tarmacked road through woodland began .
17 Dissociation from the isolated sites 1 and 5 is also very slow ; the DNase I footprints are only slightly reduced at the longest time point ( 30 minutes ) .
18 The bass section is fully enclosed as expected , but the rest of the enclosure is open a the back , and only partly enclosed at the sides , making the system free to radiate backwards as well as forwards ( this property is known as ‘ dipole ’ , or figure of eight radiation ) .
19 It is a fitting conclusion that God , who has so clearly guided at every stage , should set his seal on the marriage in the deep love of Isaac for Rebekah .
20 Excellent though Johnson has so far proven at the explorer 's notes , Boswell threatens to outdo him regarding Raasay .
21 It has so far overcome at the political level the doctrinal and organizational divisions between protestants .
22 Schizophrenia , or split personality , is the most common serious mental illness and studies carried out so far hint at a genetic link , although no susceptible genes have yet been identified .
23 The fragmentation of the trade — the implications of which were only dimly perceived at the time — was to become of crucial importance later and will be looked at in more detail below .
24 Unfortunately these proposals only exemplify the muddled thinking which seems so often to lie at the heart of Edinburgh 's traffic policies .
25 So please stick at the programme until tomorrow morning .
26 In fact , anything of a business , property or joint financial nature is so well starred at the end of this month — only the most disillusioned Aries individual could fail to see that what lies ahead is the stuff that dreams are made of .
27 I think my first thought was a black armband to wear on my uniform I was so proudly wearing at the time of the news .
28 The cheque book , so conveniently left at the scene of the crime , could be interpreted as a genuine slip-up on his part .
29 just as left handers are as a rule more variable in their hand preferences , so too are they less completely lateralised at the cerebral level .
30 At Ottawa , following a government report , the Gréber Commission , which concluded that stations and railway lines were unsightly in Canadian cities , the Beaux-Arts station , so superbly situated at the base of Parliament Hill , was abandoned and a new station like an airport was built on the edge of the city .
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