Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [that] he " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly I found that he and I were on a collision course , both in Atlas aircraft .
2 So I knew that he was calling P C into the room to give him cover .
3 I thought he was only joining in to please me , but before long I saw that he was enjoying it too , chiefly I think because to him it was a novelty .
4 He did smile then , and suddenly she realised that he was capable of charm .
5 Now suddenly he knew that he had been betrayed by the preconceptions which had been imposed by life under the Empire .
6 Suddenly he felt that he was being watched .
7 Ceauşescu was not after all Pol Pot , though in his last hours on earth perhaps he wished that he had been .
8 So he said that he would take the next available flight to Turkey immediately after the EPC meeting .
9 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
10 Very soon I realised that he was not in tune with the rest of the Group .
11 The prisoner ran like a wild goat , and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill .
12 Somehow she doubted that he 'd now ever believe she was innocent of her father 's plans , and that , if her father was successful in forcing Ace 's hand , she would be the one who would suffer .
13 The relief must have shown in her face , as she caught his brief little smile of amusement drifting in her direction , and when she thought back on their encounters lately she realised that he often seemed to glance at her in that same lightly amused way , as if he found her mildly diverting — the way he might feel , perhaps , about a pretty child .
14 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
15 As Joe walked away he felt that he had said goodbye to the last phase of his youth , and that his storm of weeping had swept him into manhood and away from all connection with the woman back in that room .
16 Soon he realized that he could wound with words , teasing his sister mercilessly .
17 Finally he remembered that he was alone in the house , and therefore it did n't matter if he had .
18 Michael Holly had been a prisoner of the camp for less than one month , and already he believed that he could walk this path with his eyes closed .
19 Secretly she exulted that he had the car .
20 From the way his eyes kept darting to and fro she guessed that he had something more important to say and that he was waiting until Eleanor was safely out of sight and earshot .
21 Nenna had forgotten about Gordon , or rather she assumed that he must have gone away , but he had not .
22 Naturally I approached Bates in the strictest confidence , but all too quickly I learned that he is just a gin-sodden loud-mouth .
23 Still he insisted that he
24 Still he quoted that he 'd dealt with in his past .
25 Crisp had slowed almost to a trot , but still it seemed that he might hold on .
26 It is now firmly established as the UK 's largest and most profitable food retailer and when I spoke to multi-millionaire chairman David Sainsbury yesterday he confirmed that he ‘ is on the brink of making a full scale onslaught into Scotland ’ .
27 The more Marcus thought about it , the more he realized that he would have to seek help from Fanshawe .
28 When four Germans and their rifles came up at once he knew that he was never going to find out .
29 But for once he believed that he was seeing as he had striven all his life to see …
30 But as my historical data grew I discovered , from other sources , statements which contradicted the statements of the local historian and in most cases when I checked carefully I found that he was inaccurate .
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