Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] go back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I went back to the car and got my torch .
2 So I went back to my mam 's .
3 So I went back to the lady doctor and she gave me a cream and some tablets .
4 I had to mourn for Sesostris so I went back to his house . ’
5 So I went back to Miss and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be she thought that that would be the best idea .
6 I remembered the noise I remembered the noise as we went past the pub , so I went back to the pub and sure enough there were fifty Sorry thirty burly men .
7 So I went back to Miss White and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be she thought that would be the best idea , not the .
8 Then I became allergic to Durex so I went back on the Pill , a different one .
9 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
10 Cos I did erm I was thinking we 're going through this fairly quickly are they really taking it in so I s we stopped after I re reached a certain point and I spent the next sort of half an hour or so just asking them questions and some of the things they got right , some they got wrong so I went back over them until we got it right so sort of help to confirm things .
11 So I went back into the spare room , I was doing some ironing which was on the you know and the next minute the phone went !
12 The following morning at nine o'clock I went back to the coffee shop , just to show that I was still around .
13 So she went back to her grandmother .
14 So we went back to the basics to see whether we could ask the Government to abolish the ‘ cohab rule ’ altogether .
15 So we went back to Baskerville Hall .
16 So we went back in and things were patched up and Mum made a pot of tea and tried to make amends by promising to do her best to make the wedding the best in the district .
17 So we go back to the house .
18 Together we went back to the lodgings , she packing her belongings , both of us braving the landlady .
19 Together they went back inside the villa .
20 Now , however , Freud expands that concept as well and interestingly enough he goes back to the first term he used for repression .
21 So he went back to a boy — one of the best , came highly recommended .
22 So he went back to bed and slid in beside the now silent , still figure of Emily , and nursed his throbbing right wrist with his left hand and imagined himself as one of those recumbent stone knights you sometimes see in churches , stretched out with arms crossed at the breast , cold and grey and dead , feeling no pain .
23 So he went back to his palace and sent a message telling the princess that she and her husband were forgiven .
24 So he went back to Emminster to tell his parents his new plan .
25 so he went back on the night time , got the bags how embarrassing , he did it
26 So erm , anyway I went back in to him , I kept going up and down , I left him for a while , but he does n't normally cry like that
27 The sooner you go back to London , the happier Roman will be ! ’
28 but I 'm most disgruntled the way Geoffrey 's getting on , he 's not had a single parents evening this year , you know normally you go back to school , you have one September , October which is always too soon
29 Then do various things , like putting your hands in the air , jumping up and down and going round in a circle , until eventually you go back in line .
30 Of course , by that evening I could n't think of anything else and it set up a pattern of repetition which I followed once I went back to London .
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