Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] go out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so she went out to school every morning , not to the threepenny one run by the Council , nor to the Church of England , but to the penny school run by the Methodists .
2 I was saying to Jean this morning , cos it 's funny enough we went out to Dartington yesterday and we were sort of looking at the restaurant there at Cranks , and I said to her you know about this bowl of soup and then the erm
3 Together they went out into the back garden .
4 So he goes out into the storm and into wild nature , together with ‘ the wolf and the owl ’ , while his daughters and son-in-law close their doors on him ( 306ff . ) .
5 He was too restless to sleep any more so he went out for a walk .
6 So he went out to the car and asked mother how old is Rod ?
7 ‘ If ever I went out of my way to learn something from a book the chances were that It 'd be hopelessly wrong — you know , inaccurate transcriptions of a song or solo — so I decided to try and develop my own ear by learning things from record . ’
8 If ever I go out of the room without her she immediately bursts into tears .
9 We went sailing and swimming , and once we went out at night with the fishing-boats ; we ate every meal together , and lay prone on the stone piers , reaching shoulder-deep into the water to catch the scarlet starfish , which petrified with fury when we lifted them out .
10 A short time later they went out to where a bay gelding and a grey mare were tethered and , after instructing her concerning the correct side to mount , he gave her a leg up .
11 Whenever kids are near he goes out of his way to pick them up and snuggle and kiss them , sometimes more tenderly than one could imagine their parents doing .
12 Two days later he went out with the Albrighton Hunt to celebrate .
13 A minute later he went out like a light .
14 When the water evaporates it goes on a cloud and then the cloud goes in any place and later it goes out as rain .
15 Dry and tinned stores were issued readily , but meat , vegetables and fruit were not so easy to procure , and often I went out into the surrounding villages to buy up food which normally would have come into the Maymyo bazaar .
16 Since her last cry of ‘ Do n't ! ’ she had not uttered a word , and now she went out of the dining room on James 's arm without once looking back at Alexandra .
17 Oh now we went out like in the night time and .
18 Presumably they went out of favour because when one thinks about them , they must have been dangerous .
19 Well I went out to the 's place which is around here
20 Well I went out with him once , right , and I fucking hate him cos he always thought he was so lovely that no woman was good enough for him .
21 Today he went out with a big score on the board and 15 overs remaining .
22 Harper said : ‘ I went out with Rebecca for about three months , then I went out with Emma .
23 I waited for half-an-hour or so , then I went out to the phone box on the quay and rang his home .
24 I had an ultimatum from Great-gran : if I take up proceedings for a divorce , then I go out of here , but dear Andrew stays . ’
25 Mm I did and I , course I went out at eleven so
26 Christine , you 've got a quarter of an hour and then you go out on the table , cos that dinner is going anywhere
27 Then she went out into the heat .
28 Then she went out into the garden to walk around for a while and before she was aware of her own movements , found herself moving briskly , almost running , up the green slope to the sea .
29 Sometimes we go out to McDonalds .
30 And he bou he bought me this top and he bought me a , a polo neck and bought me a C D and then we went out to supper and then we went to a pub and everything and erm , you know , had a really decent conversation with him and just talking to him makes me think , you know , and it dawns on me that he 's just a big he 's just a big child and he 's not , he 's never grown , he 's not , you 're not gon na grow up .
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