Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's it 's say I say I was doing my best , as it were , say that everything was going swimmingly I 'd be getting a profit of thirty pounds from Neil twenty pounds from Alan because five will go on the tea and the milk and the box of Cornflakes and the toast er twenty , thirty , that 's fifty and twenty for Paul which is seventy .
2 Right I might be going up Parsons tomorrow or Wednesday I do n't know , so did you want anything up there ?
3 Three , right I 'll be going to Chester again tomorrow
4 ‘ It works in exactly the same way only I 'll be going down instead of across .
5 Perhaps I shall be making those , so if I
6 If England had not been so successful , then perhaps I would be moaning .
7 Better still , but perhaps I should be acting not entertaining .
8 Because if we ca n't generalize then I , perhaps I should be talking about British foreign policy or Iranian foreign policy or South African foreign policy are there generalizations we can make and say well it is similar for all governments ?
9 If I were a scientist , perhaps I 'd be looking at it , and say , what does that mean in terms of weather , what does it mean in terms of pressure , is it cumulus cloud or says , what other cloud .
10 So obviously I 'll be asking well I 'll be asking Catherine how to do things
11 So I might be showing myself doing worst than I should be but , look , my actual come out about the same and so when I compare my actual with my planned , I get er , an answer which should approach one .
12 So I might be doing tennis then .
13 Erm no it 's more likely to be a calendar month that she works on and fortunately February has four weeks in it this year for where our pay day is so I would be putting it in sort of like Feb first .
14 There 's a slide projector at the back of the hall which I can control from the front so I may be aiming to get some slides for you instead of the overhead projector .
15 so I 'll be looking more towards that now and end up thinking that 's the harder .
16 So I 'll be expecting a big pay rise at the end of it .
17 so I 'll be getting that phone bill within the next fortnight , right , but bear in mind June June and December we were n't really doing anything for three weeks
18 so I 'll be coming to see you .
19 So I 'll be proposing , we have five hundred pound based on satisfactory outcome of the discussions .
20 Excuse me , you 've ha , you 've tripped your and the you know , the all lad , he said , no it 's not worth it for me , so I 'll be going before you draw it .
21 so I 'll be sitting talking to Donna , cos Donna , Helen and Jenny be sitting in one group with Sarah , they 'll be chatting away and I 'll be sitting in the middle , sitting on
22 So I shall be enjoying myself at the wedding
23 So I shall be doing my best .
24 So I will be voting for a party whose manifesto puts animal welfare high on its agenda .
25 In doing so I will be making frequent reference to the empirical research findings of criminologists working mostly in the positivist tradition .
26 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
27 But in doing so I 'd be telling her that I knew that it had happened and therefore that Simon had talked to me .
28 so I 'd be paying , we 'd be paying for our petrol which would n't be a lot different to what it is now really
29 So I should be getting one .
30 An' I du n no 'ow long I 'll be livin' 'fore I 'm sick like yore ol' lady 'angin' rahnd ver launjrette an' waitin' up fer ol' man an' 'avin' Gawd knows 'ow many kids 'angin' rahnd me an' ‘ Mummy this ’ and ‘ Mummy that ’ my Gawd if you mus ' know Sharon all my life all I fuckin' wanner do is shine up there like a dancer or sunnink .
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