Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] i up " in BNC.

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1 So she caught me up and turned me round , feeling my load from top to bottom and every side .
2 So he called me up and asked me if I wanted to play it , which was incredibly flattering because I 'd been a fan of his for such a long time .
3 But then you picked me up , and you made me your mission — and in spite of everything that I 'd lost , I gained something that I 'd never had before .
4 And I feel really guilty , I think oh I better bring her in and then she wakes me up at six o'clock bouncing on the bed !
5 Yeah cos she used to get me t , and then she rang me up one day when I was and said dad erm dad ca n't bring me round there cos the car 's not working , can you come and pick me up ?
6 And then she phoned me up .
7 And I got the job of going up Then they sent me up knocking th knocking the wagons off .
8 I phoned the police and they arrested him , then they took me up there .
9 Like , Friday night all the boys came up and then they picked me up and we did n't come back .
10 Then he wakes me up when he goes out of the door in the mornings .
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