Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
2 I tend to paint very quickly , so the paint is always rather damp as I flit round the paper , putting a colour here and one there , and at first it all looks a bit of a jumble .
3 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
4 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
5 As Richards has recently indicated , the Cox survey and the longitudinal study are not as mutually supportive as they seem at first sight .
6 So it 's not so unbelievable as you think . ’
7 This tends to make most people somewhat lazy as they take one another for granted .
8 this frog so interesting as I inspect its most secret
9 Cos I was more or less going as she come in .
10 not so easy as you think getting jobs
11 So , she thought , you are not so simple as you look .
12 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
13 She was still trying to cope with what she was beginning to realise was her over-reaction , though she could n't have said quite why she should feel so alarmed , when he told her coolly , ‘ You misunderstand me , Miss Everett , ’ and was on his feet too as , looking arrogantly down at her , he stated bluntly , ‘ Should I ever be so lucky as you suggest , then , be sure of it , I 'd throw away my rabbit 's foot , ’ and having forthrightly left her under no illusion but that should he ever get saddled with her then he would consider his luck had run out , he went on toughly , ‘ I already know the answer , but , for the record , I want to hear it from you — are you just playing around with Travis for the pure hell of it — or , ’ his voice had taken on a grim edge , ‘ are you in love with him ? ’
14 Do you suppose I run a rooming house , or can it be you are not so innocent as you appear ?
15 ‘ Or , at least it is n't so long as we avoid that bit of road . ’
16 At least the rain keeps the mosquitoes away , and the flashes from the guns lighting up the sky appear somewhat comforting as I doze off , conscious of the rain dripping on to my boots .
17 ‘ I do n't keep it so hot as they keep theirs .
18 They 're less impressive as they smoulder , marmalade-like , over a pair of kohl-black eyebrows .
19 ‘ So I do n't think he found me quite so ridiculous as you make out , ’ concluded Viola , with an angry smirk of triumph .
20 Rule four : be as personally abusive as you like .
21 There are organic changes to the heart , and it becomes less efficient as we get older ; but lack of exercise causes more deterioration than simple ageing .
22 The body does become less efficient as we grow older , and it 's a comfort to have someone by our side who recognises this .
23 GERMAN MEASLES is not so harmless as you think
24 GERMAN MEASLES is not so harmless as you think
25 The tragedy of the whole affair becomes so pathetic as we realise that Coleen does love him and only a delay of post cost him his life .
26 Florence Nightingale has been the inspiration for twentieth-century nursing ; every now and then a historian attempts to point out that there may have been aspects of her life which were not quite so saintly as we believe , but this does not shatter her image .
27 By night the bars can get quite lively , although not quite so wild as they get during the winter months when the skiers reenact their greatest runs .
28 An and it 's what makes me so cross as I walk past that blinking school every day and you think my kid should be over there !
29 It is widely believed that people become less productive as they get older .
30 Their need for thick-lensed ‘ John Lennon ’ spectacles implies they are physically imperfect as they slouch or lean against props ; for these lazy , untidy creatures have techniques of the body which reveal major structuring principles of police thinking .
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