Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] for any [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Please note that we would be most grateful for any handouts or further information you would like to send us .
2 But it 's not so brilliant for any shareholders who sold at the float price .
3 If a personal representative or trustee in bankruptcy elects to be registered , and is , he becomes personally liable for any amounts unpaid on the shares and not merely representationally liable to the extent of the estate .
4 In fact , together with several colleagues , I was endeavouring to set up an informal meeting with ministers to try and discuss this matter er when the haemophiliac 's representative decided to go to law for their own good reasons , because that made it more difficult for any negotiations to take place .
5 More significant for any assumptions concerning the long-term effects of rural suffering is the undoubted existence of a widely-held perception that the interests of the rural community were being sacrificed to those of the urban , industrial sector .
6 In the Roman world it was probably responsible for any expansions which occurred in trade and equally for any constraints that existed .
7 And where the members genuinely have control over the board it is legitimate to regard them as partly responsible for any losses that might result , and hence to view it as inappropriate for the court to come to their aid .
8 That person is then solely responsible for any debts the business may incur .
9 The 1989 Schools ' Regulations allow governing bodies to delegate some of their responsibilities to sub-committees or to individuals , though the governing body can still be held legally responsible for any actions taken under these delegated powers .
10 It would seem that practically all of the resources which have so far been made available are insufficiently accessible for any users other than their immediate designers .
11 Under LMS , where governing bodies are given responsibility for matters that affect health and safety , they will be potentially liable for any offences against the 1974 Health and Safety Act caused by their decisions .
12 The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor .
13 But it was far too early for any taverns or coffee houses to be open .
14 The magnetic deflecting torque is proportional to both the current I in the suspended coil and the magnetic induction delivered by the fixed coils which in turn is also proportional to the same current I. Because the deflecting torque is proportional to I 2 , both alternating and direct currents cause a steady deflection of the suspended coil , the natural frequency of the suspended system being too low and the damping too great for any fluctuations in I 2 to be followed .
15 But the molecular weights were enormous , implying molecules which contained thousands of atoms , much too complicated for any details of their structure to be worked out .
16 The system is too new for any conclusions to be drawn yet , but one problem has developed already .
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