Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
2 What the Henry Pratt books ( there is a second in print , Pratt Of The Argus , and a third imminent ) have in common with the rest of Nobbs ' work is his love of running gags and bizarre symmetry , an interest which made Perrin so relentlessly funny and reached its peak in the near-geometric farces of the two Bit Of A Do series .
3 His weekly half-hour CBC programme was one of the most popular and kept his Victor recordings high in the rating charts .
4 For seventeen , he was big and heavily built , but the man who carried him was so tall and held his weight so easily that there was no doubt who he was .
5 I was so elated and relieved I could have kissed them , but immediately felt ashamed that I 'd let them see my fear .
6 I had to be told which character was Chaplin ; he was so old and looked nothing like the silent comic I knew so well .
7 She had a lot of hair , but it was so tangled and matted it was impossible to determine the colour .
8 In addition , having listened repeatedly to the cassette he felt much happier in himself , realizing that the stammer which so embarrassed and distressed him was not going to prove incurable .
9 He says did n't realise it was so serious and sent him back to class with an ice pack .
10 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
11 She was much disgusted and sent us a postcard saying she was developing webbed feet .
12 The time had come and Ruth stood up , so nervous and overwrought she nearly dragged the damask tablecloth with her .
13 Farrar was short with livery lips and thick black eyebrows , and Something was prematurely bald and thought he was really cool .
14 Things have changed and unemployment has hit people extremely hard and reduced their ability to buy cars .
15 Mrs Over said : ‘ In November last year she was working extremely hard and decided she needed a three-week holiday .
16 He felt so ill and exhausted he did n't know how he was going to get through the rest of the evening .
17 ‘ If you were n't already so bruised and battered I 'd turn you over my knee and make sure you had nothing to laugh about . ’
18 Thank you all so much for your prayers over that time — God was so good and taught me so much .
19 Mr Maclean dismissed that as highly speculative and said it had no connection with the draft authorisation under consideration by HMIP .
20 When she saw a test of it she was extremely pleased and told him to run off a few hundred yards .
21 He was so proud and wanted everybody to share with him .
22 However , the judge said that even though the man promised not to do it again , he found such behaviour extremely offensive and ordered him to give £50 to each of the women .
23 She looks so thin and tired my heart aches for her .
24 Perhaps the most general comment in this direction was the fact that many felt far less bloated and felt their mobility had consequently benefited .
25 After several days of this treatment , Honey became less anxious and forgot her bad habits of rearing and crossing her jaws ; and she eventually became quite a pleasant horse to ride .
26 ‘ In your brother 's papers there is mention of something your father told him about a year ago which greatly surprised and puzzled him .
27 ‘ I asked him was that pounds or dollars and he said dollars , so I said sure that 's not so bad and offered him £5 off the price of a new sweater .
28 She was utterly incredulous and said something like : ‘ The King dead ?
29 Already gowned and masked herself , she drew up the lignocaine and opened the suture packs .
30 Nevertheless the memory of his stricken face was somehow disturbing and made her feel guilty — a strange and unpleasant sensation that she tried to banish by taking a final look at her patient .
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