Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] because [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Cutter-bar and rotary mowers are rather unsuitable because they leave the swathe lying in the direction of cut with heads and butts mixed ; it is then difficult to pick up , sort , and bind the sheaves .
2 Erm , I think that this erm , part of the agenda is most interesting because I think it 's other departments which also report back to the policy resources , which really , we as a erm , council do n't get much chance to see it 's doing .
3 Upright cabinets are the most popular because they take up less floor space .
4 You are only guilty because you decide to be .
5 ‘ We 've been terribly lucky because we 've had a lot of help with everything we needed for Rachel .
6 It 's going to be all so smooth because they 've had three hour training .
7 They were only burning because you put in what was written on the packet .
8 What is rarely stated openly but constantly implied is that the younger generation should be less negative because they know better ; they are university educated men .
9 Detachments are extremely useful because they enable you to field a small unit without the high cost of providing a hero to boost its leadership value .
10 ‘ Everyone was so happy because we do n't see much of Garry , Maeve and the kids . ’
11 so I thought he , he 's changing things he 's saying well I do n't think this is suitable and I do n't think my way of tackling this is suitable because he 's used to dealing with different kids , although they 're a similar age , they 're not very motivated or mighty but they 're more motivated than these kids , but he says like he 'll turned back towards the black board and he 'll be writing and they 're shouting abuse at him , F ing and blinding and he says it makes me so angry because I do n't know the voices well enough to know who 's saying it
12 ‘ The Americans are so jealous because they have n't got a Royal Family of their own .
13 Catholics are only angry because they feel threatened and so there must be some strength and force in what she is trying to say .
14 But besides the falls I 've just mentioned there are many more falls and forces like Cotter Force , Catrigg Force and Scaleber Force which , perhaps because they are a little less accessible , are visited by far fewer people , although they are also arguably less impressive because they do n't fall as far or there are n't as many of them .
15 Although pressed flowers are basically only two-dimensional because they have been flattened , it is quite possible to use several of the thicker ones to build up a good three-dimensional effect .
16 The following figures are culled from the Judicial Statistics for 1989 , and relate to the Queen 's Bench Division : Clearly these figures are not entirely comparable because they relate to cases at different stages in the procedure .
17 Well , I 'm not , I just think it 's selfish in going in this roundabout way and this is why you 're so distressed because you know you 're doing something that is wrong !
18 It is so worrying because you see when that happens we as teachers have a choice .
19 Actually , what you 'll find is that working mothers are extremely efficient because they have to be . ’
20 When I meet them again it is so disappointing because I have changed so much , and they have changed so much , so it 's completely worthless . ’
21 Do n't worry about going out there to give the greatest performance of any particular speech and then come away depressed because you know you 've done it badly .
22 ‘ I 'm just angry because you want me to stop seeing Tony !
23 It 's utterly frustrating because I know there 's something else that would give me a clue .
24 Scorn will heaped on the book by people who can not think of the countryside as anything other than a marketable resource , or those who think they are being environmentally perceptive because they call a gate a peripherial access point and a path a mountain access route .
25 The argument is that with the Beethovenian ‘ advance ’ the meaning of such techniques is changed ; they are no longer valid because they do not meet the needs of the new historical situation .
26 It 's very common for a women to be depressed after giving birth : if on top of that the parent 's hopes are dashed , and life seems desperately fraught because they have a handicapped child , it 's absolute hell . ’
27 These musical phrases give continuity to the action and are most valuable because they help both performers and audience to understand how moments in the story or theme affect the players .
28 Cars supplied for hire or purchase can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual , but the types of adaptation that can be made to hire cars is more restricted because they have to be returned to the general market at the end of the hire period .
29 you know you just still bewildered because you do n't understand , I mean like I go to this night class and apparently I , I learn from it , but in actual fact I do n't , I come out I get eight out of ten , nine out of ten , or ten out of ten and I have n't got a clue what it 's about
30 People born since the 1890s have been unnaturally large because they have eaten too much protein believing it to be essential for growth , says survey author Geoffrey Cannon in New Woman magazine .
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