Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The investigation of the most serious , the most controversial complaints is supervised by the Police Complaints Authority , a body consisting of a chairman appointed by the Queen and not more than 12 members appointed by the Home Secretary .
2 One of a University 's most pleasant tasks is to select men and women who have achieved outstanding distinction in their chosen fields , for the award of honorary degrees .
3 In the research project the interaction of banking and industry and its impact on industrially advanced economies is intended to be central to the investigation .
4 ‘ The only way to find the way out of a single-exit maze consisting of mutually accessible junctions is to follow the paths until you find the way out .
5 According to NIN ( 23 November 1986 ) , the developed regions have no influence on how the Federal Fund for the development of the less developed regions is spent .
6 An alternative source of personal memories of highly stressful events is to interrogate subjects ’ autobiographical memories for any event which they personally found highly stressful .
7 The combination of high precipitation , water surpluses , large number of wet days and low insolation experienced in highly oceanic areas is thought to increase the rate of growth and the competitive abilities of bryophytes , notably Sphagnum species , hypnoid mosses and Racomitrium ( Poore & McVean 1957 ) , all of which are very conspicuous in plant communities in the Western Isles .
8 The idea that the right hemisphere may be involved in processing highly imageable words is supported by data from temporal lobectomised patients which show a deficit in recall of concrete , highly imageable , words , leaving abstract words unaffected , when the lesion is on the right .
9 And on the various powerful but unseen committees that sit in contemplation of Britain 's future defence policy , the consequent evaporation of any strategic productive capacity in less glamorous areas is causing unease .
10 The point is that an orderly community can exist only if it shares many practices , and that in all modern pluralistic societies a great measure of toleration of vastly differing outlooks is made possible by the fact that many of them enable the vast majority of the population to accept common standards of conduct .
11 One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its inverse .
12 One of the more controversial decisions is to move the heavy rescue unit , used in major road accidents , to the Bishop Auckland station from Darlington .
13 We might accept , for instance , that labouring on property should give the labourer some preferential interest in it ( for example , a right to the value added by the work done ) , but it is not self-evident that any particular set of more extensive rights is warranted .
14 The policy of trying to get more foster children is picking up momentum .
15 That this almost rudimentary form of melodic construction can give supremely expressive results is shown in the theme of Elgar 's Enigma Variations , formed from the cell and its reversal ( Example 12 ) : Notice the emotive contour : an expressive rise and fall , with the highest note and largest leaps at the most emotive point .
16 The relationship of literacy to these supposed changes from limited to more developed states is described in terms which implicitly tend towards determinism , despite explicit denials : literacy ‘ fosters ’ a ‘ spirit of enquiry ’ ( 1968 , p. 14 ) ; it ‘ can not but enforce ’ a more ‘ objective definition of what was and what is ’ ( ibid. p. 34 ) ; historical sensibility ‘ can hardly begin to operate without permanent written records ’ ( ibid. ) ; the existence of an elite group ‘ followed from the difficulty of the writing system ’ ( ibid. p. 37 ) ; ‘ logic ’ seemed to be ‘ a function of writing ’ ( 1977 , p. 11 ) etc .
17 While the debate over what is appropriate for a hospital persists , the need to ‘ interior design ’ often stark Victorian institutions is recognised by everybody .
18 A compound which can exist in two or more crystalline forms is said to exhibit polymorphism .
19 Now the lack of more overseas offices is perceived as a weakness , and the firm is particularly interested in a greater US presence .
20 In general , it is found that an allowed transition does not change significantly in intensity as the temperature is lowered , though the apparent energy may shift as the contribution from hot bands arising from vibrationally excited states is reduced .
21 What this renewed awareness of signs means in more precise terms is put by Jakobson as follows ( Sebeok 1960 : 370 , 372 ) : In poetry not only the phonological sequence but in the same way any sequence of semantic units strives to build an equation .
22 The pressure to get out from under pre-emption rights is growing elsewhere , too .
23 Thus , except where comparative material from more exotic regions is included ( as it may be ) , sociology tends to take western values and assumptions for granted ; like history it is consequently inclined to be more ethnocentric than social anthropology .
24 The proliferation of industry alliances and more recent consolidations is said to have induced a state of panic at the two firms about the logic of what they are trying to achieve with the common interface — bandied about in some quarters as Systems Application Architecture II — and whether there are sound business reasons behind it .
25 Bremer collects gallstones , the middle-ear bones of Dwarfs and Halflings , preserved shrunken ears ( separated into male and female , nobles and commoners ) , and one of his more distressing habits is keeping one eyeball from each of his victims if at all possible .
26 One of the region 's most famous landmarks is celebrating its five hundredth birthday .
27 The maker of one of the world 's most exclusive cars is offering its customers a guarantee that their purchase will last at least seventy-five years .
28 Whereupon the Isabella of Columbus 's weary , but also vengeful imaginings is shaken to her very marrow by the realization that she will never , never , NEVER ! be satisfied by the possession of the known .
29 As we have indicated above there is now considerable evidence that degree performance for traditionally qualified students is related to performance in examinations before entry , although most of the research relates to England and A-level entry ( Sear , 1983 ; Bourner and Hamed , 1987 ; Johnes and Taylor , 1987 ) .
30 NOW THAT the Second World of formerly communist countries is falling over itself to join the First World , the name ‘ Third World ’ suits the rest of the planet less well than ever .
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