Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] for [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Tiny Leah Horby , who is almost two , suffers from an extremely rare condition for which surgeons have so far found no cure .
2 Every multi-syllable word has one syllable heavily stressed , but there is no easily discernible pattern for which one it should be .
3 Dr Higgs always appeared the most likely scapegoat for what happened in Cleveland in 1987 .
4 Watching a neighbour put up a suspiciously large extension for which he supposedly has permission .
5 Also linen is a more valuable product for which they charged a higher sale price .
6 Or would you , as I suspect , have taken the more kindly line for which you are loved ?
7 ‘ This will be more suitable clothing for whatever lies to the north . ’
8 Extra-sensory perception , however , seems to be an over-grand , and possibly misleading title for what may simply be God 's pre-programming of his animal kingdom .
9 Three years later , the Siemens brothers extended cable communications even further by implementing an 11,000km telegraph line between London and Calcutta , a very considerable achievement , one which had been yet another adventure , the sort that provided — like the Atlantic cable saga — the densely-packed reports and darkly realistic illustration for which the Illustrated London News had become justifiably renowned .
10 This was a thoroughly enjoyable tournament for which Eric Jan Berendsen of DIOK must take a large slice of credit and it was also superb as an August pre-season appetizer .
11 At last , here was somebody who might offer a perfectly sensible explanation for what had happened .
12 A Bill of Exchange is a legally recognised document for which there are many financing mechanisms and uses .
13 They tended to be built round ministers who disliked the slowly developing penchant for what were called ‘ liturgical ’ forms of worship associated with Gothic chapels .
14 Haydn 's Nelson Mass may have overt marshall overtones , but this was surely little excuse for what , at times , descended to little more than an inglorious romp .
15 As well as the scent of ‘ mother 's scalp ’ — the first reassuring odour a new-born baby smells — there is a natural sea scent to overwhelm the chlorine in swimming pools , and even cow-pat perfume for which no one has yet come up with a use .
16 On the other , the only memory was that I had chosen as my lodgings , from the Equity good-digs book , an establishment under the auspices of a Madam somebody or other , under the mistaken impression that she was French and therefore bound to produce the most delicious cuisine for which her country was rightly famous .
17 The most common purpose for which this might be done would probably be to ask for directions .
18 Sickle cell disease is a relatively common condition for which there is no readily available cure and for which treatment is largely inadequate .
19 The DES ( 1983 , 1984a , 1986b ) have used the most recent year for which data are available , arguing that although there were government-induced reductions in the entry of UK students to universities in the early 1980s these were more than offset by increases in the public sector .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what was the proportion of 16 and 17-year-olds in full-time education or training in ( a ) 1979 and ( b ) the most recent year for which figures are available .
21 of the population in 1988 , the most recent year for which figures are available .
22 It is a completely artificial emotion for which society , and in particular our parents are responsible .
23 Instead of contested tithes , he found himself the guardian of a rich , varied , and passionately cultivated tradition for which the documentary evidence was fragmentary , but the local testimony entirely firm .
24 But Nora never wore an overall , she despised housework — and this girl was wearing an overall , not the rather smart dress for which Mrs. Fanshawe had first taken it .
25 This study also serves to illustrate the very real need for what is known in healing circles as ‘ psychic protection ’ .
26 ‘ Laura had a very practical eye for what would sell and a very shrewd idea of pricing .
27 In July will be launching a new dry cat food made by us called ‘ 's Selection ’ — a very attractive product for which we have high expectations .
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