Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [subord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This central finding of the study was intensely controversial since it implied , firstly , that the USSR showed signs of fundamental weakness and was less of a ‘ threat ’ and , secondly , it appeared to run counter to the view of some econometricians that developing countries , especially those purchasing advanced foreign technology in large quantities , must eventually catch up .
2 You become excited when you discover an entry from a brand leader but descend into despondency when you find that large , marketing-led organisations can be incredibly sloppy when it comes to presenting written reports .
3 Bagnall 's story of godnose had evidently been rather badly mutilated before it reached him .
4 MERSEYSIDE parents are among the most generous when it comes to giving pocket money , a survey has revealed .
5 The middle of the passage was , however , rather different since it concerned a motorcyclist 's deliberations about the nature of empiricism , and it was considerably more difficult to understand .
6 A little embarrassed because it looked as though she had been prying , Meredith murmured , ‘ I 'm not much of a cook . ’
7 But the fact of the matter is , he wrote , that none of it is right , or rather , that what has so far been accomplished is wrong and what has not yet been accomplished is only right because it has not yet had the chance to be proved wrong .
8 Indeed it was runner-up in the European Car of the Year Award , which is only right because it looks and feels like a European car .
9 This is not so hypocritical as it sounds for Godwin hated violence and war .
10 Outside Europe the struggle in the sugar islands was less destructive than it had been 50 or 60 years earlier .
11 ‘ I 'm so glad I told you , ’ she continued — ’ I 've been feeling terribly guilty while it 's been going on . ’
12 Foreign investors are beginning to worry that the Mexican peso is less solid than it looks .
13 Constance could not decide whether or not his diffidence sprang from fear or indifference , and she found it puzzling that someone as confident as Nicky in every other area of his life should be so timid when it came to love .
14 Even so , the decision of the 19th Palestine National Council in November 1988 to take this highly accommodationist road was not an easy one , and was only possible because it had become apparent that the world now recognized that no substantive peace negotiations were likely to materialize without formal PLO participation .
15 This is less odd than it looks : it pays creditors to avoid the delays and legal costs of chapter 11 .
16 Yet the Berlin settlement was less stable than it looked .
17 A priori this latter feature might be thought somewhat undesirable as it implies that the higher the rate of growth of wealth the lower the share of the total portfolio held within the UK .
18 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
19 By far the most common escape mechanism for organisms ranging from bacteria to human beings is ‘ habituation ’ , a kind of behavioural boredom by which an animal becomes less responsive as it encounters the same stimulus repeatedly .
20 You need to ask yourself what is so different when it comes to talking to an audience ?
21 Psychological knowledge is unavoidably ambiguous , and this is especially clear when it involves relatively ill-defined , social aspects of subjectivity , like gender .
22 The line-up in the Bundesrat is less clear than it appears .
23 Things are somewhat different when it comes to the sales decision : here it seems that many worked out at quite an early stage that the sales strategy ought to take a reservation form ( with perhaps an intermediate section to take account of risk and risk aversion ) .
24 One of the main planks of the CCAUK 's argument is that the Annual Percentage rate is not so high as it looks , since though most transactions are contracted for ( say ) 26 weeks , in fact they end up being repaid — with no series problem — in about 30 or 33 weeks , with no penalty .
25 And animal minds , a fortiori , do not engage in this sort of computation ( which is why the Punch cartoon would have been less funny if it had shown a human fisherman ) .
26 ‘ Hothousing is entirely different because it involves a pushy parent force-feeding their child to be bright — the natural spark is n't necessarily there , ’ says Mr Short .
27 Many people are extremely generous when it comes to giving money to conservation .
28 Apparently , if a baby kicks and is repeatedly given a response to that kick by touch , it can become highly responsive when it enters the world .
29 But knowledge develops unevenly ; Dewey 's luck was not so conspicuous when it came to , say , radio engineering , where relatively simple new subjects end up with a classification symbol of twelve digits or more .
30 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
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