Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sophia thought this looked rather odd and had offered to lend her a string of cultured pearls , but the beads seemed to go with the piled up hair style and the long pointed-toed shoes that Penelope was wearing .
2 His face was grotesquely puffed and had taken on the colour of dark purple .
3 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
4 He had also been extremely suspicious and had made no secret of it .
5 Supposing the tumour in my lungs was not entirely new but had started five months ago , before I went onto my diet , took my vitamins or began my visualizations ?
6 They had not seemed wholly convinced but had subsided with mutterings .
7 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
8 Carrie and Nick would have escaped from the house if they could but it was bitterly cold and had begun to snow heavily .
9 Clare looked incredibly fit and had had a wonderful time .
10 Still the rain , all week it had rained , and his coat was barely dried out from the previous evening and his shoes were still wet and had rejected the polish he had attempted over his breakfast .
11 By this stage in the Parliament we were deeply unpopular and had allowed ourselves to be painted as a government forcing through doctrinaire policies .
12 The public importance of the issue , and the high journalistic standards deployed in putting the programme together , were subsequently emphasised by an independent enquiry chaired by Lord Windlesham , which conclusively refuted the Government 's allegations that the programme had been deliberately biased and had prejudiced the inquest in Gibraltar .
13 He was still stark naked but had decided to get dressed .
14 The resulting document , the Bourdillon Report , proved at the time to be one of the most useful that had appeared about the bookstocks of British public libraries , since it contained studies of existing provision and a series of recommendations on acceptable standards for provision in the future .
15 then introduced our Sports Council Liaison Officer who has always been most helpful and had volunteered to come along and present their point of view .
16 He had got the direction slightly wrong and had passed the dell before he realised it .
17 particularly the length of time that was away I was really sure that had got on to incidentally it 's worth saying that the B B C re they do they use professional readers who make a report on every piece they receive and they file them .
18 It was now red and had become quite dull .
19 Scarlet 's mother had moved in the Bohemian world of Chelsea in the years immediately post-war and had acquired the air of insouciant , amoral aristocracy combined with a certain self-righteousness arising from the consciousness of being both aesthetically and ( at base ) morally correct which had characterized that society at that time .
20 In the interval he seemed particularly cheerful and had asked for news about the Bishop 's Castle Railway
21 What with hauling carpets in and out , cleaning the wallpaper with a loose dough — a trick Sally-Anne found oddly satisfying , if messy — washing every curtain , sheet , blanket , cushion-cover , piece of crockery , floorboard , door and window-frame , ceiling — you name it , Sally-Ann cleaned it — by Sunday she felt quite stunned and had gone to sleep during the rector 's sermon , only to be prodded awake by Matey , to a smiling Dr Neil 's amusement .
22 No pupils refused to participate in the study , and as pupils were not warned about the administration of the survey we assumed that those registered pupils who did not complete the survey were either absent or had left the school .
23 By this time I was beginning to think that Eric was either dead or had chosen to forget me , and I felt very depressed .
24 For himself , he did not find the piece as graceful as could be wished , but Alice seemed to find it most enjoyable and had giggled over its charms ever since .
25 Once or twice , when Harry and Fleury had had to leave her to her own devices for a few moments in order to fight off the sepoys , she had become very upset and had made little attempt to conceal the fact .
26 However , even this cost control team was subsequently absorbed by the Treasury in 1983 because it was politically unpopular and had met with mixed success .
27 His tragic owner John Goult , or ‘ Old Jack ’ as he was known to neighbours , also knew the pet he adored was very sick but had tried to spare him from being put to sleep .
28 She found the whole thing very embarrassing and had tried several times to back out of it , but Felipe would not hear of such a thing .
29 He was very tired but had had lots of fun
30 The Commissioner had gone too far and had given a ruling that would have had the effect of preventing the Crown from leading evidence which , as a matter of law , was admissible .
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