Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It also shows how a combination of these can easily result in a local economic strategy which has clear political as well as economic goals .
2 That said , the car felt extremely solid and well screwed together , exterior panel gaps were uniformly narrow and even and all the doors shut with a satisfying ‘ thunk ’ .
3 ‘ It is remarkably complete as well as being extremely well presented .
4 The endeavour was professionally abysmal as well as painful , and his money started to run out .
5 ‘ It is not easy to hang a fine suit from shoulders so broad and straight as yours , Major . ’
6 All the children have had measles , all five , you can not imagine what hard work it is , day and night and their poor eyes so sore as well as the rash and the fever .
7 Clearly , an unreflective or uncritical citizenry would be highly undesirable as well as , strictly speaking , a contradiction in terms .
8 But in the period covered by this book society was not quite so hierarchical as before or after ; nor did a man 's place in the sun depend on the number and dignity of his ancestors .
9 Stand and rehearse in front of a full length mirror , checking that you are smiling and making the right gestures , including liking your glass sufficiently high and forward when proposing the toast so that you convey enthusiasm .
10 Not out of any idea that taking drugs was morally wrong but simply because I was already enjoying myself and did n't feel the need of any chemical additions to that enjoyment .
11 The rebellion of the American colonies in the eighteenth century confronted the British with an axiom which , for reasons which are capable of being understood , they found so unpleasant that more than two centuries later they have still not ceased attempting to wish it out of existence .
12 Highly entertaining as well as informative .
13 However , they are most unlikely to solve the problem of excessive delays , partly because the limits themselves are so generous and partly because the prosecution is free in any event to ask for additional time .
14 Yet it was abundantly clear that only when she was away from the influence of the house was she able to return to some semblance of normality .
15 It was difficult in the 1880s to ignore the fact that some at least of the working class were becoming increasingly active on various economic and political issues , were less acquiescent than previously and that organizations were being formed to defend and further their interests .
16 Only one explanation fitted all the facts , and it was so far-fetched that more than once she dismissed it .
17 So-called ‘ button ’ badges , paper print covered with celluloid , are highly collectable as well as being a fascinating guide to social history , says Leicestershire teacher Frank Setchfield , who has a 40,000-strong collection .
18 Ernest Bevin 's entry into the wartime coalition made it even less likely than before that the bulk of trade-union officials would tolerate the Communists let alone support them .
19 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
20 The vagina and vaginal opening , in a healthy woman , are highly distensible and even where there is some tightness this may enhance sensation in both parties rather than otherwise .
21 A glance through any of the larger component catalogues will show that the number of different components currently in use is so large that even if you could afford to buy one or two of everything , you would need a warehouse to store it all .
22 He told a packed lecture chamber at Strathclyde University that the increase in CO emissions was now so large that even if there were a 1 per cent reduction worldwide from 2000 , it would take 100 years for levels to stabilise in the atmosphere .
23 It was difficult to chose between them , partly because they were all so good but also because , unlike those first Film Week entrepreneurs , none of us had much artistic flair and had n't a clue what would work best .
24 But I was surprised because the songs are so good that even when they 're getting massacred by cats and dogs or Germans or Russians they still stand up .
25 The division of labour that achieves this may be more or less complex and more or less individuated .
26 I had the club already going , was dealing with mainly young people , and as you will know young people 's taste tends to vary quite considerably and very quickly , so I might well be very successful for so long and then if suddenly taste changed and I had n't got the ability to change with the times I realized that it would be rather precarious , so I needed a second string to my bow .
27 They are both so likeable and even though they are of different races and sex .
28 And gentility is a belief that life is always more or less orderly , people always more or less polite , their emotions and habits more or less decent and more or less controllable ; that God , in short , is more or less good ,
29 Naturally , the situation is constantly improving but unfortunately that also means that figures are not comparable over time .
30 Things were very simple and this list made that precise point very well but of course this journalist was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical .
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