Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If a teenager has been feeling acutely depressed for some time , then it may only take a trigger such as exams , to tip her over the edge ( suicide is the third most common cause of death among the under 25s , and the peak months are April to July ) .
2 So far , we have argued that much sociological research into the family has been influenced by functionalist theory which is , in turn , apparently dependent on some common-sense , everyday , beliefs about family life .
3 It 's a question of just choosing and what you are saying is that you can increase you payback , if I could put it that way , by choosing numbers which are for whatever reason less popular with some people , simply because the payback is larger on those days .
4 They are especially prevalent in some feature films , television dramas and documentaries .
5 Others are less clear without some explanation : an attacker was known as ‘ the Bizarre Beast ’ because of the strange clothing he wore , which included a gas mask and a dress ( Star ) ; however , no explanation was needed why a sex fiend who struck near a university for the second time in four days was known as ‘ The Balaclava Rapist ’ ( Sun ) .
6 Rainbow looks past Naomi , suddenly interested in some pigeon-politics on the window-ledge .
7 Thematizing place and time adjuncts is less marked in some languages , such as Spanish and Portuguese , than in English .
8 Low pay is not only prevalent in some sectors of manufacturing industry .
9 These are seen in the repetitions , checks , and expansions which are noted as so prominent in some parents ' speech by Brown ( Brown , Cazden and Bellugi , 1969 ) and Cross ( 1977 ) .
10 The symptoms , especially noticeable in some spring barleys , range from the odd missing floret to distinctly tapered ears in some wheats where the top and bottom few spikelets have failed to set seed .
11 But often you notice that one woman has been working extremely hard with some degree of success in showing the results of her hard labour .
12 This will make it extremely hard for some players to get more than two or three of the 11 games in Australia — and that would not be long enough to evaluate the newcomers ' test qualifications .
13 Barnacles were a fit subject for Darwin to work on , as he did for many years , because of their curious metamorphosis ; and also because of the way in which males have regressed to become merely vestigial in some species .
14 The Bolsheviks at least promised to tackle regional socio-economic backwardness , and their bureaucratic intervention in the localities was at first less oppressive in some ways than in the Tsarist past simply for lack of personnel .
15 Especially characteristic of some endocuticles is the progressive " helicoidal " change of direction of these fibres in successive lamellae , which produces parabolic figures in sectioned material ( Neville , 1970 ) .
16 While such programs are valuable for school librarians and teachers , in that most spelling errors are , in fact typing errors , they may be less useful for some pupils , as the act of checking for errors may be a way of improving their spelling , perhaps related to the use of dictionaries , and their use of language .
17 In contrast simple probabilistic models have been extremely effective in some speech and language tasks .
18 I can be terribly innocent in some things .
19 Vines , as a non-member , was directed to retire from the meeting , but he was apparently responsible for some insurrection among the student members .
20 This is one reason why sons are so important in some countries : girls usually leave home when they marry , so no longer contribute to their parents ' income .
21 Richardson and Sayles thought Ine 's legislation ‘ more mature , less experimental in some ways , than the surviving body of Kentish law ’ .
22 Feminists , for example , are highly critical of some family therapists .
23 Additionally , and perhaps even more uncomfortably , how does a consideration of Spenser and Ireland impinge on our understanding and involvement with the current ‘ Irish Problem ’ ( an involvement which may be extremely immediate for some readers ) ?
24 Success rates for reversals are improving as a result of new and delicate surgical techniques which are only available in some specialist centres .
25 If the Eastern District was less successful in some respects than it would have liked to be , it was not for want of trying .
26 Perhaps it is less hopeful in some senses , because unlike the early church we are living in a post-Christian age .
27 But Iris , so shrewd in some ways , was hopelessly unworldly in others .
28 But oil is only suitable for some pieces .
29 This was especially true with some sugar beet sprays , which can involve putting 20 5-litre packs into the 2,500-litre sprayer tank .
30 For while hispanophone immigration is indeed sufficiently massive in some parts of the USA to make it desirable , and sometimes necessary , to address this public in its own language , the idea that the supremacy of English in the USA is , or is likely to be , in jeopardy is political paranoia .
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